Two open houses are scheduled to update citizens about the Pierce County Shoreline Master Program. Both from 4 to 7 p.m., they will be held Mon., Dec. 3 at the Puyallup Library, 324 S. Meridian, and Tues., Dec. 4 in Gig Harbor Council Chambers, 3510 Grandview. The open houses will be informal events in which individuals can drop in for 10 minutes or stay for three hours.
The SMP directs future development along the county’s shorelines, including marine coastal areas, rivers and streams and lakes. The existing SMP was developed in the 1970s and needs updating to address current conditions.
The open houses provide an opportunity for citizens to learn about the shoreline planning process, voice concerns associated with shorelines, and to review and comment on a Draft Shoreline Inventory and Characterization Report. The comments heard and submitted will used to frame goals, objectives, policies and action steps in the SMP document.
More information is available at .
Learn about the Shoreline Master Program
Tags: Puyallup Library