Notice of Public Hearing City of Tacoma April 3, 2013

Notice of Public Hearing City of Tacoma April 3, 2013 On Tuesday, April 16, 2013, at approximately 5:30 p.m., the City Council will conduct a public hearing on the recommendations for the proposed 2013-2014 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development. For additional details, please see the reverse side of this notice. This hearing will take place in the City Council Chambers on the first floor of the Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market Street, Tacoma, Washington. All persons will have an opportunity to present their oral comments at the meeting. Those wishing to submit written comments may do so at the public hearing, or may submit them to the City Clerk's Office at 747 Market Street, Room 220, Tacoma, WA 98402, by 4:00 p.m., on Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Resolution No. 38650, which set the public hearing date, can be viewed in its entirety on the City's website at by clicking on the link for April 2, 2013, or by requesting a copy from the City Clerk's Office at (253) 591-5505. For more information, please contact Mr. James Colburn at (253) 5915221, or via email at; or Mr. Carey Jenkins at (253) 591-5238, or via email at Doris Sorum City Clerk The City of Tacoma does not discriminate on the basis of disability in any of its programs, activities, or services. To request this information in an alternative format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 5915505. TTY or speech to speech users please dial 711 to connect to Washington Relay Services. Each year, the City receives federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These funds are to be used for housing, community and economic development activities, and for human services as spelled out in the Annual Action Plan (AAP) to the Consolidated Plan. The Tacoma Community Redevelopment Authority (TCRA) and Human Services Commission (HSC) have completed their deliberations for the 20132014 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan. For fiscal year 2013-2014, Tacoma anticipates funding that includes $2,120,874 new allocation in CDBG funds as well as $335,530 in program income and $243,406 in reprogrammed funds. The Tacoma/Lakewood Consortium anticipates receiving HOME funding which is divided between Tacoma and Lakewood (Tacoma's portion will be $848,057); the result of a 1999 agreement between Tacoma and Lakewood to form a HOME Consortium. Each city receives a separate CDBG entitlement grant. Tacoma also anticipates receiving Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds in the amount of $217,112. ESG recommendations are made by the Human Services Commission. If you need additional information, please call James Colburn at (253) 591-5221 or Carey Jenkins at (253) 591-5238. April 5