The University of Washington Tacoma will hold a forum to discuss the campus master plan on Jan. 16 at 12:45 p.m. in the Cherry Parkes building room 108. Attendees will have an opportunity to share their views on a plan that is currently in the final stage of development. Issues to be considered include the need for future residence halls and student space required to support a residential population including recreation, student center, and other student support services. Impacts on facilities related to a four-year campus will also be reviewed, including the need for expansion of academic programs, academic support space and library space.
To guide this process, Chancellor Spakes established and appointed the Building Advisory and Design Review Committee as a standing committee early last fall. This committee, whose charge is to represent the university community in the on-going physical development of the campus, will help to guide this activity. The firm of Mithun Architects/Designers/Planners, based in Seattle, is helping to lead the effort.
The master plan update will be accomplished in three phases: information gathering (winter 2008), options development/evaluation (spring 2008) and final plan presentations and approvals (summer 2008). Presently, the master plan update process is in a first phase information gathering stage. Additionally, a Web site is under development to provide additional detailed information. For more information, visit .