Incoming World Trace Center (WTC) Tacoma Board Chair Marlo DeLange announced Monday the initiation of the search for a new executive director to succeed James McMahan, whose interim term as WTC Tacoma’s Executive Director will end at the close of 2008.
“We owe a great deal to James for the incredible work he has done to help the World Trade Center build on the strength of our board and members, and we are in a great position to make our plan and vision a reality in the coming year,” said DeLange. “The groundwork has been laid for the WTC Tacoma to continue its vital support of international trade and help businesses in our community succeed in this challenging economic climate.”
McMahan was engaged in May 2008 to examine the non-profit’s operational efficiencies and suggest improvements, and worked with the Board of Directors on developing clarity and a focus for the 2009 work plan, paving the way for the long-term success of the organization.
According to DeLange, the foundation laid by McMahan’s work will lead to wide interest and quality candidates to fill the Executive Director position. Resumes will soon be accepted, and DeLange stated she hopes to have the position filled by March 2009. Those interested in learning more about the Executive Director position and how to apply will soon find the job announcement online at .
DeLange also announced WTC Tacoma elected new officers and welcomes five new members to its Board of Directors.
New officers include Chair DeLange, an attorney with Vandeberg Johnson & Gandara; Vice Chair John Wolfe, Deputy Executive Director with Port of Tacoma; Secretary Valerie Coty, Marketing Manager at Moss Adams LLP; and Treasurer Elizabeth Savage, Vice President at Kitsap Bank.
New board members include Steve Fullerton, General Manager of Pacific Northwest Operations with “K” Line; Steve Stivala, President of MacMillan-Piper; and Charles Witzleben, President of SuperValu International; Sandra Forero Bush with Russell Investments; James Brock, Dean of the Business School at Pacific Lutheran University.
“The entire Board is enthusiastic about working with our new colleagues as we focus on our work plan, membership, and vigorous advocacy for international trade in this community,” said Lyle Quasim, outgoing Board Chair. “This new class of officers and new board members represent a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to the World Trade Center’s mission.”