There is a ray of good news in a bleak state budget year: Bates and Clover Park each receive $1.5 million when capital equipment funds are released on July 1.
This capital appropriation is the largest equipment investment in technical colleges in 10 years, stated Sally Cofchin, interim president of Bates Technical College. These funds will be invested in equipment to be used in our most high demand programs, ranging from biotechnology and dental and nursing programs, to transportation trades and forensics. Moreover, this appropriation reinforces to this community and the students and staff of technical colleges that, despite an extraordinary budget deficit, our state leaders are investing in the areas economic growth and the training of a qualified workforce for area businesses.
Cofchin and Sharon McGavick, president of Clover Park Technical College, worked closely with the Pierce County delegation to set aside capital funds for upgrading equipment.
Typically, when the economy takes a downturn, our enrollments grow dramatically at community and technical colleges, said Cofchin.