On Aug. 28, the City of Tacoma and the Hilltop Action Coalition will host a neighborhood cleanup from 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. The cleanup is specifically for those who live in the following areas: Tacoma Avenue South from Division to South 28th Street; Division Avenue from Tacoma Avenue South to 6th Avenue; 6th Avenue from Division Avenue to State Street; State Street from 6th Avenue to South 28th Street; and South 28th Street from State Street to Tacoma Avenue South.
Homeowners and renters in single-family and duplex residences in this area are encouraged to remove junk and beautify their property on Aug. 28 as part of the collaborative neighborhood cleaning.
Volunteers and staff from the City will accept items for disposal at (South Hilltop) Caballeros Club, 1516 South 28th St. and (North Hilltop) Evergreen State College, 1210 6th Ave. All that is required to dump is a proof of residence in the neighborhood such as a driver’s license or current utility bill.
Items that can’t be dumped include material from a business; cars, motorcycles, campers or boat parts; truck canopies, trailers, boats or recreational vehicles; daily household garbage; hazardous waste; riding mowers; and animal carcasses.
A massive cleanup requires the work of many. If you are interested in volunteering call the Hilltop Action Coalition at (253) 594-7859. For more information about Community Based Services, visit http://www.cityoftacoma.org/cbs .