The City of Tacoma’s Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on Weds., Dec. 7, 2011, to obtain community feedback on proposed code changes to the City’s zoning regulations relative to large scale retail uses. The hearing will start at 5 p.m. and will be held in the City Council Chambers (Tacoma Municipal Building 747 Market St., 1st Floor). The proposed changes would establish a Conditional Use Permit requirement for large scale retail uses in most areas of the city where they are allowed. The purpose of this new permit requirement is to provide opportunities for community input on future large-scale retail projects and to better ensure that these types of projects minimize their impact on surrounding areas and are developed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Copies of the draft code revisions may be viewed and downloaded at (click on “Large Scale Retail Moratorium”). Community members can provide feedback by testifying at the hearing or providing written comments no later than 5 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 9, 2011, to the Tacoma Planning Commission, 747 Market St., Rm. 1036, Tacoma, WA 98402, or faxed to (253) 591-2002, or e-mailed to .