REQUEST FOR BIDS METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF TACOMA Kids' Trek BID# T2014-04 BID NOTICE The Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma will receive sealed bids for Bid# T2014-04, Kids' Trek, at the office of Planning, Design & Development, Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma, 4702 S 19th Street, Tacoma WA 98405 until 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 30, 2014. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 10:00 a.m. Bids received after the appointed time set for receipt will be returned unopened. The project includes, but is not limited to: Clearing 1/2 acre, installing a storm water handling system, fabricating (2) landscape block and (1) concrete retaining walls, installing electrical and plumbing utilities, constructing a picnic shelter and pump house, fabricating shotcrete climbing walls, artificial trees and root wads and stream system including pumps, filters and sanitizing equipment, installing various manufactured play equipment, installing sand and fall protection materials, installing plants with associated substrates and mulch, installing fencing and installing or fabricating other play area amenities. Prevailing Wage Rates and the Metro Parks Tacoma Apprenticeship Training Program requirements will apply. 418 apprentice hours are estimated for this project. The base bid estimate range is $850,000 $900,000. Time of completion is 310 calendar days. Attendance at a pre-bid conference is MANDATORY. Potential bidders must sign in at one of the two scheduled pre-bid meetings to be considered a responsive bidder. Pre-bid conferences will be held at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park, 11601 Trek Drive E, Eatonville WA 98328 on Thursday, October 9, 2014, at 10:00 a.m and Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 10:00 a.m.. Bid documents may be viewed at the following plan centers: 1. Builders Exchange of Washington, Everett WA, 425-258-1303 (electronic only) 2. Contractor Plan Center, Milwaukie OR, 503-650-0148 3. DJC Plan Center, Seattle WA, 206622-8272 4. DJC Plan Center, Portland OR, 503274-0624 (electronic only) 5. McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge, Seattle WA, 206-223-0320 (electronic only) 6. Olympia Plan Service, Olympia, WA, 360-943-3960 7. Small Business Incubator, Tacoma WA, 253-722-5800 8. Valley Plan Center, Seattle WA, 206420-3871 Bid documents will be available Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at ARC Tacoma., 632 Broadway, Tacoma WA 98402. Please order bid documents online at or call (253) 383-6363 or (800) 337-8103 for availability prior to picking up documents. Project information and plan holders list is also available online. A non-refundable check for $35.00 (per set) payable to Metro Parks Tacoma for purchase of bid documents is required (accounts with ARC may not be used to purchase the bid documents). If you would like them mailed, please contact ARC for additional shipping costs, payable to ARC (accounts with ARC may be used for shipping costs). Questions may be directed to Chip Heinz, Project Manager, at or (360) 8327153. Scheduled for Advertisement -09/ 30/2014 and 10/07/2014