City of Tacoma REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Specification No. PG14-0665F Tacoma

City of Tacoma REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Specification No. PG14-0665F Tacoma Power/ Generation/ Natural Resources Cushman Floating Surface Collector Downstream Migrant Smolt Evaluation The City of Tacoma is accepting SEALED PROPOSALS for the above solicitation. Submittals will be received and time stamped only at the Purchasing Division, located in the Tacoma Public Utilities Administration Building North, Main Floor, 3628 South 35th Street, Tacoma, WA 98409. Proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, Tuesday, January 6, 2015, at which time they will be recorded and forwarded to a Selection Advisory Committee for evaluation. Proposals are not typically opened and read aloud. An electronic copy of the complete solicitation documents may be viewed and obtained by accessing the City of Tacoma Purchasing website at A list of vendors registered for this solicitation is also available at the website. After 1:00 p.m. the day of bid opening, the names of vendors submitting proposals are posted to the website for public viewing. A pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Cushman Hydro Project office located at N. 21451 Highway 101 Shelton, Washington 98584, on Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 1:30-3:00 p.m. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to answer questions about this solicitation and any special or technical requirements. Project Scope: The project will evaluate effectiveness of the Cushman Floating Surface Collector. Estimate: $1.9M: $900K Year 1; $500K Option Years 2 and 3. Additional information regarding the specifications may be obtained by contacting Joe Parris, Senior Buyer, by email to City of Tacoma protest policy, located at, specifies procedures for protests submitted prior to and after submittal deadline. Meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities can be arranged with 48 hours advance notice by calling 253-502-8468. December 9