PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ROSTER Consultants interested in providing architectural, engineering, and

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ROSTER Consultants interested in providing architectural, engineering, and related services through January 2016 with Tacoma School District No. 10 are requested to submit qualifications to Stephen Murakami, Director of Planning and Construction, 3223 South Union Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98409. If applicable, we request that you indicate your MWBE status. Pursuant to RCW 39.80 it is the intent of the Tacoma School District No. 10 to contract with the specific disciplines for the following categories of work, and match the capacity and capability of the firm/qualifications with size and scope of the work. Those consultants who are interested in providing services for a specific area(s), MUST identify the category and, if applicable, the sub-grouping. Consultants may submit one brochure for each category of interest and shall indicate sub-grouping. The brochures will be individually screened by "project" qualifications by the Director of Planning & Construction/Designee, and said Director/Designee shall select one or more firms for interviews prior to making a selection. Submittals should be received on or before June 30, 2015 and should be limited to seven (7) pages in length to include the cover page. I Architecture Construction cost range A. Up to $5,000,000 B. $5,000,000 to $75,000,000 II Management A. Project Management B. Construction Management Services C. Logistics III Reports A. Commissioning B. Value Engineering C. Constructability Services IV Structural Engineering V Civil Engineering A. Site Planning B. Geo Technical Services (i.e., soil characterization & bearing capacity) C. Surveying (i.e., boundary & topographic surveys) D. Environmental (i.e., included but not limited to toxic waste, removal/ underground tanks, wetland evaluation) VI Moisture Protection A. Including, but not limited to, roofing and painting inspections VII Landscape (Including Wetland Evaluation) VIII Playfield A. Football/Baseball/Soccer Field/Irrigation, etc. B. Specialized Track and Field Systems IX Electrical A. Power/Lighting B. Low Voltage (Fire alarms, Data, Intercom/PA systems) X Mechanical A. HVAC B. Control Systems C. Mechanical Systems and Investigations & Studies D. Plumbing XI Testing and Inspection Services A. Testing B. Inspection XII Aerial Photography XIII Real Estate A. Consultant Services B. Appraisal XIV Demolition/Abatement Surveys XV Pool XVI Construction Auditing Services XVII Interior Design XVIII Other If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Whitni Cooper, Administrative Secretary, (253) 5713350, Planning and Construction, Tacoma Public Schools or by email at March 11, 18