Pierce County will update the master plan for Pierce County Airport-Thun Field over the next 18 months. The county and stakeholders will evaluate the current state of the airport and determine how best to meet the community’s 20-year development needs. Proposed alternatives – such as new facilities or improvements to existing structures – will be evaluated from an aviation and community standpoint.
“The master plan will identify long-term needs for facilities, equipment and services to position Pierce County Airport-Thun Field to accommodate community growth,” said Lauren Behm, Planning and Public Works interim airport and ferry administrator. “The process will allow us to develop a vision to meet the community’s needs for transportation, recreation and jobs.”
This will be the first master plan update since 1999. Mead & Hunt has been selected to lead the update on Pierce County’s behalf.
Get involved: The Master Plan Advisory Committee (MPAC) – made up of representatives from the aviation community, businesses, local and state government and more – will participate in working sessions throughout the process to develop recommendations. At least two public open houses will be held as alternatives are developed and finalized.
The MPAC will meet for the first time from 2-4 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Civil Air Patrol building, 16915 103rd Ave. E. in Puyallup. At this meeting, the MPAC will discuss a vision for the plan and a strategy for conducting the update. Members will also review base inventory data. The community can visit www.piercecountywa.org/plumasterplan to view materials, provide input, sign up for updates, and learn about future open houses.
– Pierce County Planning and Public Works