Fees go directly back into airport projects that benefit passengers
The Port of Seattle announced a one dollar per trip fee increase which began November 1 for transportation network companies (TNC’s – such as Uber, Lyft and Wingz) serving Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. This is the first change in the per trip fee since the launch of a pilot program in April of 2016 which has seen the number of app-based transportation services more than triple at Sea-Tac Airport.
The increase was informed by 18 months of trip data and market analysis. Overall, ground transportation trips are up 13 percent from last year and demand for TNC service continues to soar. Compared to last year, TNC trips are up 87 percent, requiring more staff and operational changes to the airport parking garage and off-site holding lot.
Ground transportation fees will go directly to support airport maintenance and projects such as improvements in the walkway from the terminal to the light rail station, enhanced Wi-Fi service, and lighting and safety improvements in the airport garage.
The $6 per trip fee is in line with fees charged by many other airports. Even higher fees of $7–10 per trip are charged by airports in San Francisco, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Cleveland, Orlando, Chicago and Detroit. Customers using on-demand/for hire taxis and other ground transportation services will not see any change in rates charged by the Port.
The Port offers multiple ground transportation services, including for-hire flat rate and metered taxis, TNC’s, airport shuttles, limousines, hotel and off-site courtesy vehicles, and more to maximize customer options and guarantee reliable service.
For more information on all available ground transportation services, which also include access to Link Light Rail, Sound Transit and King County Metro bus services, visit our website here: http://www.portseattle.org/Sea-Tac/Parking-and-Transportation/Ground-Transportation/Pages/default.aspx.
The Port carefully monitors ground transportation trends and will issue a comprehensive study by the end of 2017 or early 2018 to include current trends and inform future policy decisions.
Sea-Tac Airport ground transportation by the numbers:
Overall ground transportation trips are up 13.1 percent versus 2016 with 2,855,128 trips year to date in 2017. For the month of September, overall trips were up 8.6 percent with 335,754 compared to 309,303 in September of 2016.
TNC’s have grown from 39,975 during the first month of operation at Sea-Tac in April of 2016 to 120,803 during September of 2017, a 202 percent increase. September of 2017 saw 120,803 TNC trips compared to 74,405 last year, an increase of 62.4 percent.
On-demand taxi and flat-rate activity dropped 2.7 percent in September of this year (67,280) compared to the same month in 2016 (69,141). Through September this year, on-demand taxi and flat-rate trips numbered 583,953.
Based on numbers through September, on-demand taxi and flat-rate provide 20 percent of the overall ground transportation services while TNC’s provide 33 percent and all other ground transportation services provide 47 percent.
About Seattle-Tacoma International Airport: Operated by the Port of Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA, KSEA) is ranked as the 9th busiest U.S. airport, serving more than 45.7 million passengers and more than 366,000 metric tons of air cargo in 2016. With a regional economic impact of more than $16.3 billion in business revenue, Sea-Tac generates 171,796 jobs (109,924 direct jobs) representing over $2.8 billion in direct earnings and more than $565 million in state and local taxes. Twenty-eight airlines serve 81 non-stop domestic and 24 international destinations.
– Port of Seattle