Tacoma Planning and Development-LEGAL NOTICE

Tacoma Planning and Development-LEGAL NOTICE


SEPA File #LU21-0035: City of Tacoma Planning and Development Services Department has issued a Preliminary Determination of Environmental Nonsignificance (DNS) on the proposed Tideflats and Industrial Land Use Amendments, which address the following subjects: 1. Public notification requirements for permits and land use amendments; 2. Conversion of industrial lands to non-industrial uses; 3. Encroachment of residential developments on industrial lands; and 4. Siting of potentially high risk/high impact heavy industrial uses. The DNS was made after review of an environmental checklist and other relevant information. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required. This determination will become final on March 15, 2021, unless modified by the City based on public comments received. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on March 3, 2021. For instructions on how to join the public hearing and to review the complete text of the proposed amendments and the associated staff analysis and environmental checklist, visit www.cityoftacoma.org/tideflatinterim. Comments on the DNS or the proposal must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on March 8, 2021, via e-mail to Planning@cityoftacoma.org.


February 24, March 2, 2021