NO. 20-2-08535-4
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT for THE STATE OF WASHINGTON in and for the County of Pierce CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Washington, Plaintiff, vs ANGIE F. CAMERON, an unmarried individual; and SCOTT L. CAMERON, an unmarried individual, Defendants.
TO: ANGIE F. CAMERON You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 20th day of April 2021, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and Answer the Interpleader Complaint, and serve a copy of your Answer to the Interpleader Complaint upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Daniel A. Womac, at his office below stated, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you. This suit involves the distribution of proceeds from the sale of real property located in Pierce County, commonly known as 10530 – 90th Avenue Southwest, Lakewood, Pierce County, Washington 98498 according to the Final Divorce Order entered in Pierce County Superior Court Case number 16-3-02630-2 on May 22, 2017. DATED: April 14, 2021. FIDELITY NATIONAL LAW GROUP s/Daniel A. Womac Daniel A. Womac, WSBA #36394 701 – 5th Avenue, Suite 2710 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 224-6005 Attorney for Plaintiff Chicago Title Insurance Company A-4731055 IDX-924781
04/20/2021, 04/27/2021, 05/04/2021, 05/11/2021,
05/18/2021, 05/25/2021