
Simple Promise Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads Reviewed

Xitox is a deep cleaning foot pad made by Simple Promise.

Anyone can use the Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads to remove harmful toxins that cause discomfort while you sleep, helping you detox and cleanse the body, relieve pain and discomfort, and rejuvenate your body while you sleep.

Do Xitox foot pads live up to the hype? How does the Simple Promise Xitox foot pad work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Deep Cleansing Foot Pads and their effects today in our review.

What Are Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads?

Xitox are cleansing foot pads that use a blend of natural ingredients to cleanse toxins from your feet, helping you manage leg pain, foot pain, and other aches and pains while you sleep.

The foot pad was developed by Simple Promise, a Camas, Washington-based company known for a range of supplements.

Each foot pad contains natural ingredients to detoxify the soles of your feet. These natural ingredients remove toxins from your feet and release toxins into the pads. You use the pads nightly, then dispose of them the next morning. Each type you use the pads, you’re cleansing harmful toxins from your body.

Toxins in the environment can cause foot pain, lower leg pain, and other aches and pains. Using natural ingredients, Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads aim to remove toxins from the body to help you enjoy a pain-free life. In fact, some reviewers on the official website claim Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are more effective than prescription pain relief medication for relieving foot pain.

Today, anyone can buy Xitox online today through SimplePromise.com, where it’s priced at around $49 per box. Each box contains a 30 day supply of Xitox foot pads (30 pads).

How Does Xitox Work?

Xitox works using something called the sea sugar detox. By spending 30 seconds applying the pads before bedtime, you can detoxify your body from the effects of sugar – without cutting out sugar, salt, or other common ingredients from your diet.

According to Simple Promise, which cites research from Harvard, the sea sugar detox has a 100% success rate. In fact, one study found every single patient, on average, reduced fatigue by 24%, lowered pain by 57%, and eliminated stiffness by 60%.

Better yet, the therapy is completely natural. It “works similarly to NSAIDs, except it’s completely natural,” according to Simple Promise. That’s why thousands are using the sea sugar detox for pain relief, fatigue reduction, and better sleep.

By cleansing toxins from your body, Xitox can support your “second heart” and boost circulation throughout your feet and lower legs. This can reduce swelling and help you avoid aches and pains, among other benefits.

Benefits of Xitox

According to Simple Promise, Xitox foot pads and the sea sugar detox can provide the following benefits:

Xitox Works by Supporting your “Second Heart”

Simple Promise developed Xitox to support your “second heart”.

As Simple Promise explains, your second heart is a system of muscles, veins, and valves in your calf and foot. This system works together to push deoxygenated blood back up to your heart and lungs.

After your heart and lungs pump blood throughout your body, your body needs to push that blood back up to the heart. This is your second heart.

As you get older, however, your circulatory system worsens. Your second heart stops functioning at its proper capacity.

As your second heart worsens, deoxygenated blood remains in your legs and feet, which can lead to pain, stiffness, and other health problems.

Some people experience swelling in their feet. Others experience chronic pain, red/blue discoloration, and other issues.

However, Xitox doesn’t just work by supporting blood flow throughout your body; instead, Simple Promise claims toxins within the environment are worsening your second heart’s performance, making it difficult to pump blood throughout the body. Xitox fixes that by removing toxins from your body.

Toxins in the Environment Make Foot Pain Worse

Your second heart plays an important role in foot pain and circulation. To support your second heart, Xitox targets toxins.

According to Simple Promise, we’re surrounded by toxins every day. They’re in the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

One in three Americans have detectable levels of toxic weed killer in their bodies, for example, because many big farming companies use this weedkiller. Others have detectable levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, PFAS, POPs, PCBs, dioxins, pesticides, and other toxins.

All of these toxins overload your body – and they’re hindering blood flow. They make your foot pain worse, weaken circulation, and impede the performance of your second heart.

Xitox Uses a Sea Sugar Called Poliglusam to Remove Toxins

The active ingredient in the Xitox foot pad is called poliglusam. Although most have never heard of it, poliglusam – also known as sea sugar or chitosan – can draw toxins from your body like a magnet.

In fact, the farming industry frequently uses poliglusam to remove toxins from various substances.

Manufacturers make poliglusam by processing chitin on the outer skeleton of shellfish. After extraction, manufacturers combine it with a substance called glucosamine, which is an amino sugar. That’s why poliglusam is also known as sea sugar.

Here are some of the benefits of poliglusam, according to Simple Promise and peer-reviewed scientific evidence:

Researchers have found poliglusam automatically binds to toxins “like a magnet,” making it valuable for removing toxins from various substances

Poliglusam (sea sugar), unlike other types of sugar, does not dissolve in water, which means scientists can easily remove it from the water along with the toxins

In other words, you can add poliglusam to water, let it soak up toxins, then remove it from the water to cleanse all toxins from that water

Poliglusam has also proven effective in humans; instead of binding to water in humans, poligulsuam binds to toxins inside the fat molecules in your body because it naturally sticks to fats

The human body stores significant toxins in fat cells; by targeting your fat cells, poliglusam can remove toxins from your body like a magnet, helping you support pain relief

Xitox Also Uses Wood Vinegar to Flush Toxins from your Body

We’ve explained how poliglusam, the active ingredient in Xitox, can draw out toxins from your body like a magnet. Once poliglusam absorbs those toxins, however, you need a way to flush those toxins from your body.

To do that, Xitox contains wood vinegar. It’s not technically a vinegar; instead, it’s a substance created by burning fresh wood at high temperatures to create charcoal. When you collect smoke from the wood and condense it into a liquid, you get wood vinegar.

Charcoal is known as a great toxin filter, but wood vinegar is even more powerful. Some farmers use wood vinegar to filter toxins from soil, for example.

Wood vinegar also appears to have a toxin fighting effect in humans. The same properties that allow wood vinegar to draw toxins from soil allow it to purify the body.

Here’s how Simple Promise explains the detoxification effects of the wood vinegar in Xitox:

“Wood vinegar has an osmotic effect that can draw out harmful toxins from the human body. It is able to promote the transport of toxins across cell membranes…So, just like how it can draw toxins out of polluted soil…It can do the same for people through their sweat!”

Western medicine is increasingly discovering the benefits of wood vinegar. However, it’s been popular in China, Japan, and Korea for centuries, where it’s prized for its detoxification properties.

Simple Promise created Xitox by combining wood vinegar with sea sugar (poliglusam), creating the ultimate detoxification aid for the soles of your feet.

Xitox Ingredients

Xitox contains a blend of ingredients to detoxify your feet, relieve pain, and support other benefits throughout your feet, legs, and lower body.

We’ve already explained the two superstar ingredients in Xitox, including wood vinegar and poliglusam. The full list of ingredients includes:

Poliglusam: Also known as sea sugar, poliglusam binds to toxins in water and fat to remove them from your body. It’s used in agriculture to naturally cleanse toxins. However, studies show it’s safe and effective for use in humans. It binds to toxins in water and fat “like a magnet,” allowing your body to safely flush away harmful toxins to reduce pain.

Wood Vinegar: Wood vinegar is a liquid extract created by burning wood to create charcoal. Charcoal is famous for its detoxification properties, and wood vinegar appears to have similar effects. Xitox uses wood vinegar to carry toxins out of your body. After poliglusam collects those toxins like a magnet, wood vinegar removes those toxins from your body to alleviate pain.

Loquat Leaf: Loquat leaf is a natural extract shown to lower markers of inflammation. The leaf is rich with natural antioxidants that fight inflammation. Inflammation is your body’s natural response to pain and infection. By targeting inflammation, loquat leaf may be able to support pain relief in your feet and lower legs.

Chameleon Plant (Houttuynia Cordata Thunb): Chameleon plant, also known as Houttuynia cordata thunb or H. cordata, is used to make an essential oil as a natural pain relief remedy. In fact, some studies have found chameleon plants have pain relief mechanisms similar to NSAIDs. The essential oil is rich with antioxidant compounds linked to healthy inflammation and other benefits.

Tourmaline: Tourmaline is a special type of mineral that emits far infrared radiation (FIR). Studies show the FIR emitted by tourmaline can “help reduce pain significantly,” according to Simple Promise. In one study, patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis reduced pain, stiffness, and fatigue during infrared sauna therapy. A follow-up study found that the same FIR therapy reduced fatigue by 24%, lowered pain by 57%, and eliminated stiffness by 60%.

Simple Promise added all of these natural ingredients to each Xitox foot pad. Today, anyone can use the foot pads daily to relieve pain, fight aches, and reduce stiffness, among other benefits.

Scientific Evidence for Xitox

Simple Promise claims to have conducted a “focus group” on an early version of Xitox to verify it worked as advertised. The company gave away a prototype of the Xitox foot pad to a group of volunteers, then collected responses two weeks later.

Here are the results of that focus group, according to Simple Promise:

One volunteer was “100% skeptical” Xitox would work to relieve his pain, but he was wrong. He describes Xitox as “a real pain marvel” for him because it stopped pain in his knees, back, and shoulders.

Another volunteer found her knee pain “is almost gone now” and even canceled her knee replacement surgery after using Xitox for just two weeks.

Another participant in the focus group found Xitox foot pads were more effective than “the strongest prescription pain meds” for getting rid of his foot pain. He had also tried steroid shots, acupuncture, chiropractic treatments, and other therapies, but nothing worked like Xitox.

Because of the results of this early focus group, Simple Promise decided to produce Xitox foot pads and share them with the world. Although Simple Promise declined to publish the full results of this focus group online or in a peer-reviewed medical journal, the company cites other scientific evidence proving Xitox works.

Poliglusam has been studied extensively for its effects on the body – particularly with cancer and cancer treatment. One 2019 study found the nanoparticles in poliglusam activate T cell response in breast cancer cells both in vivo (on human cells within the body) and in vitro (in test tubes with human cells outside the body).

Another study examined the weight loss effects of poliglusam. Researchers found trials involving 1,070+ participants who took poliglusam over 4 weeks, leading to a small but statistically significant reduction in weight compared to baseline, with participants losing 1.7kg (3.75lbs) more than a placebo over the 4 week period.

Wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid or PA) has also been studied for its effects on detoxification and health. Long used in agriculture for its natural detoxification properties, wood vinegar could have antimicrobial effects, according to one review published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology in 2018.

Other active ingredients in Xitox support inflammation using natural plant-based chemicals. Loquat leaf, for example, has been studied for its effects on many conditions. Loquat leaf has been a popular compound in herbal teas and remedies for centuries, where it was used to treat skin diseases, coughing, nausea, and itching. Other studies have found loquat leaf has powerful antioxidant capabilities that can counteract inflammation.

Overall, Xitox contains a blend of science-backed ingredients to detoxify the body, support healthy inflammation, and relieve pain. However, there’s limited evidence Xitox is more effective than powerful prescription-strength pain medication as advertised on the official sales page.

How to Use Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads

Simple Promise recommends applying the Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads for 5 consecutive nights on both soles of your feet to relieve pain.

Here’s how to use the pads:

  • Step 1) Apply one pad onto the sole of each clean foot.
  • Step 2) Use 5 consecutive nights, wearing the pads for 6 to 8 hours.

Xitox Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Many customers claim to have experienced significant pain relief after applying Xitox foot pads and implementing the sea sugar detox into their life.

Here are some of the reviews shared by happy customers online:

One customer frequently dealt with foot pain at night after five major foot surgeries in the last three years. After using Xitox for more than a week, his pain “is gone” and he wakes up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Other customers report feeling a difference after their first night of using Xitox. One customer claims she woke up more awake and refreshed the next day while also enjoying pain relief benefits.

Some customers have stopped taking their pain medication after using Xitox. One reviewer claims he stopped taking any pain medication within just two weeks of using Xitox – and he’s also sleeping a lot better.

Other customers praise Xitox for relieving pain when nothing else worked. One customer describes foot pads as “a pain-ending miracle for me when nothing else worked.”

Overall, multiple customers report significant pain relief properties linked to Simple Promise’s Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads, and multiple customers claim to have experienced superior pain relief with these foot pads compared to pain relief medication – including prescription-strength pain meds and other high-powered solutions.

Xitox Pricing

Xitox costs $49 per box, with each box containing a 1 month supply of pads (30 foot pads). However, as part of a 2022 promotion, you could pay as little as $33 per pad when buying Xitox online today.


Here’s how pricing breaks down:

  • 1 Month Supply: $49 + Free Shipping
  • 3 Month Supply: $117 ($39 Per Box) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Month Supply: $198 ($33 Per Box) + Free Shipping

Bonuses Included with Xitox

Simple Promise is bundling three bonus eBooks with all 3 and 6 box purchases of Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads.


If you buy 3 or 6 boxes of Xitox today, then you get immediate access to three bonus eBooks (collectively valued at over $100), including:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Detox Superfoods: 15 Highly Nutritious Superfoods & Recipes for Detoxing Your Body: This eBook explains how to add specific superfoods to your diet to double your natural detoxifying capabilities. Some superfoods are rich with antioxidants that support healthy inflammation. Others fight toxins in other ways. In this special bonus report, you can discover 15 of the best detoxifying superfoods, 36 mouth-watering and nutritious recipes for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, and the #1 Japanese superfood to keep in your pantry.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Stress Detox: 7 Little-Known Mood-Boosters: This eBook, valued at $39 and available for free with your 3 or 6 bottle purchase today, features stress-relieving activities that are surprisingly undiscovered. Tip #4, for example, is a “bathroom ritual” to instantly help you calm down and feel relaxed. Another tip features a “blank page” activity that is 10x more powerful than meditation for reducing stress levels. Instead of explaining basic stress relief tips like exercise and meditation, the guide dives deep into proven, underrated stress relieving techniques you’ve never heard of.

Free Bonus eBook #3: Beware! 14 Toxic “Healthy” Foods to Avoid: Many people eat foods every day they consider to be healthy. Unfortunately, they’re not healthy. In this eBook, you can discover some of the worst-offending healthy foods to avoid – including diet soda, foods with artificial sweeteners, fat-free foods, and other foods designed to trick you into thinking you’re eating healthy.

Xitox Refund Policy

Xitox is backed by Simple Promise’s 365-day moneyback guarantee.

If you’re unsatisfied with Xitox for any reason within one full year of your purchase date, then you can request a complete refund.

About Simple Promise

Simple Promise is a health and wellness company based in Camas, Washington. The company is known for offering a range of nutritional supplements, liquid tinctures, and other formulas to support various health goals.

In addition to Xitox, other popular Simple Promise supplements include VivaSlim, Colibrium,BellyFlush, MetaLean Complete, Epishield Plus, and Glucose Shield, among others.

You can contact Simple Promise and the Xitox customer service team via the following:

  • Mailing Address: 3242 NE 3rd Avenue #1051, Camas, WA 98607
  • Phone: 1-800-259-9522
  • Email: support@simplepromise.com

Simple Promise tests all products with a third party lab to verify they work as advertised and contain pure, potent ingredients. The foot pads were also specifically formulated and recommended by Alex Del Pizzo of Simple Promise.

Final Word

Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads are a unique pain relief solution designed to detoxify your feet, support circulation in your “second heart,” and provide you with long-lasting relief from aches, pains, inflammation, and more.

By applying the Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads to the soles of your feet at night, you can wake up energized and pain-free the next day – without the side effects or cost of pain medication.

To learn more about Simple Promise’s Xitox Deep Cleansing Foot Pads and how they work or to buy the pads online today, visit the official website.


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