Taylor Bay Beach Club HOA: Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment AGENCY: USDA-RD ACTION: Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the USDA-RD, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, is issuing an environmental assessment (EA) in connection with possible impacts related to a project proposed by Taylor Bay Beach Club HOA (TTBC), of Longbranch, Washington. The proposal is for the replacement of their existing wastewater treatment facility and to extend their outfall further into Case Inlet. The existing wastewater treatment facility and outfall is approximately 50 years old located in Poe’s Taylor Bay Estates (PTBE). TBBC has submitted an application to USDA-RD for funding of the proposal. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ambrea Cormier – USDA Loan Specialist 1835 Blacklake Blvd SW Suite B, Olympia, WA 98501 360.704.7705
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: TBBC proposes to replace their WWTP and the associated effluent pipeline and outfall to Case Inlet, including construction and operation of a new Membrane Bioreactor, Wastewater Treatment Plant, collection system repairs, and replacement of the associated effluent pipeline. Detailed Description of Project: Construction, to include installing the effluent pipeline across the surface of the bluff between the WWTP and the beach to replace the upland portion of the effluent pipeline, open trenching across the intertidal zone (approximately 200 feet) and installation of the off-shore portion with weighted 8-inch HDPE pipe that will be lowered into position from a workboat with the assistance of divers. The new HDPE outfall diffuser will be installed in the same location as the existing outfall, or the anchor block will be by-passed, and the HDPE outfall pipe will be extended approximately 1,000 feet to the west to a depth of -150 feet MLLW. Location at the greater depth would eliminate water quality impacts to Geoduck Harvest Area 14300 and would allow the Department of Health to open this geoduck bed for commercial harvest. Grey & Osborne, an environmental consultant, prepared an environmental assessment for USDA-RD that describes the project, assesses the proposed project’s environmental impacts, and summarizes as applicable any mitigation measures used to minimize environmental effects. USDA-RD has conducted an independent evaluation of the environmental assessment and believes that it accurately assesses the impacts of the proposed project. No significant impacts are expected because of the construction of the project. Questions and comments should be sent to USDA-RD at the address provided. USDA- RD will accept questions and comments on the environmental assessment for 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. Any final action by RUS related to the proposed project will be subject to, and contingent upon, compliance with all relevant Federal environmental laws and regulations and completion of environmental review procedures as prescribed by 7 CFR Part 1970, Environmental Policies and Procedures. A general location map of the proposal is shown below.
August 29, 2023