Clear Recon Corp 601 West 1st Avenue, Suite 1400 Spokane, WA 99201 (206) 707-9599 NOTICE TO BORROWER OF POSTPONEMENT OF TRUSTEE’S SALE September 14, 2023 Re: T.S. Number: 111444-WA Property Address: 13614 111TH ST CT E PUYALLUP, WA 98374 You are hereby notified that the above-referenced Trustee’s Sale previously scheduled for 9/15/2023 at 10:00 AM has been postponed to 11/17/2023 at 10:00 AM at the place originally set forth in the Notice of Trustee’s Sale. YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE WRITTEN NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT EACH TIME THE TRUSTEE’S SALE IS POSTPONED. TO PROTECT YOUR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU MONITOR ALL POSTPONEMENTS OF THE TRUSTEE’S SALE. You may monitor trustee’s sale postponements by attending the scheduled trustee’s sale at the place in the notice of trustee’s sale and at the date and time in the most recent public declaration of postponement. While a public declaration at the time set for trustee’s sale is the official method for postponing a trustee’s sale, you can also obtain information about further trustee’s sale postponements by calling (800) 758-8052 or through the following website: and by accepting the terms and conditions for that resource. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. CLEAR RECON CORP, as authorized agent of the beneficiary Alyssa Hill Processor I


September 26, 2023