City of Tacoma- Legal Notice



Notice is hereby given that the Tacoma City Council, at its regular City Council meeting of Tuesday, December 17, 2024, passed the following ordinances. The summary of the contents of said ordinances, consisting of the titles, is as follows: Substitute Ordinance No. 28997 An ordinance amending the Official Schedule of Stormwater and Wastewater Utility Service Rates and Fees, effective January 1, 2025, and

January 1, 2026.

Ordinance No. 29004 An ordinance amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to implement rates of pay and compensation for employees represented by the Tacoma Police Management Association, Local 26; and the Professional Public Safety Management Association.

Ordinance No. 29005 An ordinance amending Chapter 1.06 of the Municipal Code, relating to Administration, to repeal Sections 1.06.228, 1.06.229, 1.06.230, and 1.06.231, and to repeal, replace, and rename Section 1.06.226 as “Claims and Collections”, to update and consolidate the claims and collections procedures and provide for an increase in administrative settlement authority.

Ordinance No. 29006 An ordinance amending Chapter 6A.100 of the Municipal Code, relating to Utilities Gross Earnings Tax – Public Utilities, by amending Section 6A.100.040, entitled “Deductions”, to add a deduction for grants; expand the deduction for interdepartmental rent to include all utilities; repeal tax deductions for Contributions In Aid of Construction, interest earned from bond proceeds, and the sale of property; remove deductions no longer utilized; update the tax deduction for hauling recyclable materials to a tiered structure; and clarify language.

Ordinance No. 29007 An ordinance amending Chapter 6A.110 of the Municipal Code, relating to Property Tax Exemptions for Multi-Family Housing, to move specific application fees to the City’s Fee Schedule, and clarify conditions for Final Certificates of Tax Exemption, effective January 1, 2025.

Ordinance No. 29008 An ordinance amending Subtitle 6A of the Municipal Code, relating to the Tax Code, to add a new Chapter 6A.140, entitled “Vendor Refreshment Serving Tax”, to impose an excise tax on major vendors responsible for the sale of food and beverage at specific City-owned facilities, effective January 1, 2025.

Ordinance No. 29009 An ordinance amending Subtitle 6A of the Municipal Code, relating to the Tax Code, by amending Chapter 6A.50, entitled “Electricity Business and Solid Waste Collection Business” to update the tax deduction for hauling recyclable materials, and by amending various chapters to align language regarding tax deductions and refund statutes, effective January 1, 2025.

Ordinance No. 29010 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.09 of the Municipal Code, relating to Solid Waste, Recycling, and Hazardous Waste, by amending Section 12.09.070, entitled “Special Permits,” to expand reporting requirements, clarify the City’s enforcement authority, and assist in the administration of related taxes and deductions, effective January 1, 2025.

Ordinance No. 29011 An ordinance amending Chapter 13.05 of the Municipal Code, relating to Land Use Permits and Procedures, to revise levels of service timelines and public noticing procedures for land use permits, to implement Washington State Substitute Senate Bill 5290 and Substitute House Bill 1105, effective January 1, 2025.

Ordinance No. 29012 An ordinance modifying the 2023-2024 Biennial Operating Budget to appropriate funds, adjust project budgets, and implement additional changes in transfers and other budget adjustments, as well as appropriating additional estimated revenues.

Ordinance No. 29013 An ordinance modifying the 2023-2024 Capital Budget to appropriate funds, adjust project budgets, implement additional changes in transfers and other budget adjustments, and appropriate additional estimated revenues.

Ordinance No. 29014 An ordinance amending Title 1 of the Municipal Code, relating to Administration and Personnel, by adding a new chapter entitled “Climate and Sustainability Commission”, to establish a Climate and Sustainability Commission and appoint current members of the Sustainable Tacoma Commission to the new Commission.

Nicole Emery, City Clerk IDX-1006884

December 19, 2024