Looking for a way to get involved in the preservation of Tacomas architectural heritage? Tacomas Landmarks Commission needs you! Qualified individuals may apply for two vacant positions on the Landmarks Preservation Commission, including:
1. At-large member Someone with an interest in historic preservation.
2. A historian Someone with a background in American history.
The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 15, 2005.
The commission oversees the establishment of new landmarks and landmark sites, reviews design changes proposed for approximately 70 projects per year and approves applications for historic tax incentives. Prospective applicants should have a basic familiarity with historic architecture or historic preservation issues and a demonstrated interest.
The commission is comprised of 15 citizen volunteers appointed to three-year terms. Members are recommended for appointment by the Council Appointments Committee and confirmed by the City Council. Commission meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.
To apply, visit http://www.cityoftacoma.org/CBCApplication or contact Reuben McKnight, Tacoma Economic Development Department, (253) 591-5220.