Tacoma News – Tacoma City Council

Tacoma City Council
Study Session
Noon, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002
Tacoma Municipal Building North
728 St. Helens Ave.
Business Systems Improvement
At this joint session between the City Council and Public Utility Board, Executive Leadership Team Co-Chairs Karen Larkin and Linda McCrea will present an update on the Business Systems Improvement Project. Two years ago, the city began a process to create a new computer system to provide utility billings, customer information and other financial management processes. It will replace the current system, which is 20 years old. After an extensive selection process, the city will now negotiate with two primary vendors to learn more about their recommended approaches, system functionality, implementation plans and cost. The Executive Leadership Team expects to complete their analysis, make a final selection and enter into an initial contract no later than June of this year. The public is invited to attend the study session, but the council will not be taking any comments from the public.
Tacoma City Council
Regular Meeting
5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002
930 Tacoma Ave. S., Room 1045
Baarsma to Pierce Transit Board
New Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma will be appointed to serve on the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners for the remaining unexpired three-year term to expire on May 1, 2004.
Anti-violence grant application
The City Council will vote on a final reading of an ordinance for the submittal of a grant application to the Washington State Office of the Administrator for the Courts for $14,500 of STOP Violence Against Women Act funds. The money will go to expanded training for Tacoma Municipal Court pro tem judges in the area of domestic violence.
Zoning code update
The final reading of this ordinance would authorize the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, in the amount of $60,000 for the update of the zoning code.
Fuel tank storage removal
The council will vote on the authorizing the execution of a $22,660 remedial action grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for the partial reimbursement of costs related to underground fuel storage tank removal.
Orchard Street vacation
The council will vote on the first reading of an ordinance that would vacate a portion of Orchard Street right-of-way abutting the petitioner’s property located at the southwest corner of South 40th Street and Orchard Street within Fircrest to develop the property for commercial use.
Street improvements, vehicle purchase
The council will vote on a resolution awarding contracts to Pivetta Brothers Construction for residential street improvements and storm drain extensions; and B.B.. Dodge, Inc. to purchase four 2002 Dodge Ram Cargo Vans.
Various agreements
The council will vote on authorizing agreements with the Tacoma-Pierce County Employment and Training Consortium, Metro Parks Tacoma, Safe Streets, Metropolitan Development Council and the Boys and Girl Clubs.
Tacoma Reads Together program
The council will vote on establishing the “Tacoma Reads Together” Program.