2012-0103 METROPOLITAN KING COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE OF HEARING Proposed Ordinance 2012-0103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Metropolitan King County Council (the Council) will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers on the 10th Floor of the King County Courthouse (516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA)on Monday, November 26, 2012, beginning at 1:30 PM. The purpose of this public hearing is to consider adoption of Proposed Ordinance (PO) 2012-0103 (hereinafter, the “subject legislation”) adopting amendments to the 2008 King County Comprehensive Plan, and as amended in 2010 (KCCP). Public Hearing: King County encourages public comment at the November 26 public hearing. Testimony is limited to two minutes per speaker. If you submit written materials for the Councilmembers' review, please provide 15 copies to the Council Clerk. The chambers are equipped with an audio/visual system capable of displaying overheads (transparencies are not necessary) and computer displays. If you plan on utilizing audio/visual aids, please contact the King County Clerk's Office by November 15, 2012 at 206-296-1020 to advise them of your intent. Audio/visual presentations are included in the 2-minute timeframe. Testimony sign-up will begin at 1 PM on November 26 in the lobby outside the Council Chambers. Please call the Council office at (206) 296-1000 if you need directions to the Courthouse. If you prefer to call, write, fax, or e-mail your comments to Councilmembers, please call the Council office for addresses and/or numbers. For more information: The complete text of the subject legislation, as well as the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee (CPRC) Chair's proposed amendments to the subject legislation (Striking Amendments) and amendments to the Striking Amendments are available in the Council Clerk's office (Room 1200, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA). A copy will be mailed to you upon your request to the Clerk at (206) 296-1020. Proposed Ordinance 2012-0103 can also be viewed on the Clerk page, at http://www.kingcounty. gov/council/clerk/ordinances_ advertised.aspx. By October 26 complete public review copies will also be available at the following locations: • on the Internet, at http://mkcclegisearch.king county.gov/LegislationDe tail.aspx?ID=1078551& GUID=4AFCB076-E042 -42AB-AE35-895AAC2B 8D52&Options=ID|& Search=2012-0103 or • on the Internet, at http://www.kingcounty. gov/council/issues/ comprehensive_plan.aspx • at all King County branch libraries For background information on the 2012 proposed updates to the KCCP, please visit the Council's 2012 Comprehensive Plan Update home page, at http://www. kingcounty.gov/council/issues/ comprehensive_plan.aspx.. You may also contact Kendall Moore at 206-296-1631 or Rick Bautista at 206-296-0329. Summary: Proposed amendments to the KCCP were transmitted by the King County Executive on March 1, 2012 and reviewed by the Council's Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee (TREE). The TREE completed its review on July 31, 2012. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan Review Committee (CPRC) met on September 19, 2012 and reported out to the full Council a striking amendment to the subject legislation, without recommendation. Proposed KCCP policy amendments, contained in Attachment A to PO 2012-0103, which was reported out of the Committee of the Whole on October 8, 2012 for full Council consideration, would affect the following chapters in the Comprehensive Plan: Introduction; Regional Planning; Urban Communities; Rural Area and Natural Resource Lands; Environment; Parks, Open Space and Cultural Resources; Transportation; Services, Facilities and Utilities;Economic Development; Community Plans; Implementation; and the Glossary. Proposed amendments to the land use map and/or zoning atlas are contained in Attachment A to PO 2012-0103. Final Consideration: In addition to the proposed amendments contained in the subject legislation, Councilmembers may offer additional amendments for consideration by the Council. As a result, persons interested in any of the issues raised in the subject legislation should make their views known at the public hearing on November 26, 2012. Amendments that may be considered for adoption by the Council on November 26, 2012 or thereafter include, but are not necessarily limited to: • any amendment contained in the Executive’s proposed versions of the subject legislation; • any amendment to the subject legislation passed out of CPRC or the Committee of the Whole; • any amendment offered or discussed during the review of the subject legislation in the committee • any matter preserved by a member at the September 19, 2012 CPRC meeting; • any amendment regarding the timing of the GMPC’s recommendation to move the UGB in the County's comprehensive plan updating process; • any amendment reflecting Department of Ecology required or suggested changes to Shoreline Master Program; • any amendment to the timing for considering updates to the Shoreline Master Program; and • any other proposed amendment that is within the scope of the alternatives and has been available for public comment. Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 26th day of October, 2012. METROPOLITAN KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Anne Noris Clerk of the Council Published in the Kent, Renton, Covington/Maple Valley/Black Diamond Reporter on October 26, 2012. #692961.