A Pierce County project that aims to improve safety and relieve traffic congestion through the 176th Street East corridor, between B Street East and 14th Avenue East in Frederickson, will begin on Mon., July 8.
Crews will clear areas outside the existing roadway, then excavate and embank in preparation for utility relocation. Utility companies will relocate facilities for future construction. The roadway will remain open during this work, although motorists can expect to see construction and utility vehicles parked along the shoulder and expect occasional delays.
During this project, the roadway will be expanded to four lanes with turning and U-turn lanes, and raised medians. Concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks will be installed. Pervious concrete will be used on sidewalks and shoulders to reduce surface water runoff. Crews will upgrade the traffic signal at B Street East as well as add street lighting and an enclosed stormwater drainage and treatment system. Tucci & Sons, Inc. is the contractor. The construction contract cost is approximately $5.4 million. The work is expected to be finished in spring 2015.
Meanwhile, construction on a project along 176th Street East between 14th Avenue East and Waller Road East is expected to be completed this summer. Crews are expanding the roadway to four lanes and installing concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks. They are also adding a raised median and turn lanes at intersections. The project also includes additional street lighting and an enclosed stormwater drainage and treatment system. Tucci & Sons, Inc. is also the contractor for this project. The construction contract cost is approximately $7.1 million.
More details about these projects are available online at piercecountywa.org/fredericksonarea.