Freezing temperatures, snow, and icy roads turned downtown Tacoma into a hazardous zone Monday morning. (TOP) A Pierce Transit bus overturned on the University of Washington Tacoma campus, injuring 12 passengers, according to a Pierce Transit spokesperson. The bus overturned near 19th Avenue and Jefferson Street. Ten of the 20 people aboard were taken to area hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries and others were treated at the scene; (BELOW) A pick-up truck slid down Ninth Street and struck a pole — the result of icy conditions; (RIGHT) Still, the snowfall left a pretty coating over the skyline, including the clock tower at Old City Hall. The photos were shot by Kevin Freitas of Feed Tacoma ( ) and provided to the Tacoma Daily Index with his generous permission. For additional photos from the storm, visit
An arctic blast through downtown Tacoma