The agenda for the Sept. 10 study session and regular meeting of the City Council.
The Pulitzer-prize winner will be the inaugural speaker in the Pierce Lecture Series on Sept. 24.
A talk with expert Marie Tahir on best of breed Web site design tips, Part I.
The agreement is meant to assure support of regional transportation.
Mark Constantine, IFC North American Business Development Officer, will address the organization on Sept. 29.
Art-full events: Tomorrow’s Paintbrush Ball and Sunday’s open house will let people take a peek inside the structure.
Sound Transit and Port of Tacoma officials turn out to see the new streetcars off-loaded.
Tour the Port of Tacoma on September 15.
The Tacoma Arts Commission wants to hear from citizens on Sept. 9.
Patriotism and pathos mark the Sept. 11 remembrance in Tacoma.
Come have your say on city planning at the Sept. 4 public hearing.
A strike is averted for at least 30 days.
The Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference is scheduled to take place in late October in Spokane.