The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell one-tenth of one percentage point.
An increase of 1.1 percent was reported for 2003.
The event is part of Northwest Natural Yard Days.
GFOA bestows the honor upon Tacoma.
The company’s assets go to Dynamics in Design in a merger.
The project will be scrutinized by citizens and the Pierce County County Council at the April 15 meeting.
This week’s regular meeting.
This week’s study session and regular meeting.
REAL Trends reports the independent real estate company is doing quite well.
April 12 is the deadline to respond if you’re interested.
Pierson Clair of Bellarmine Prep founded a local campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
The Professional Development Center will host a variety of presentations this spring.
That’s according to the 2004 Washington Index of Innovation and Technology.