Read all about this week’s study session and regular meeting.
Time for a Change has filed another petition for a strong-mayor system.
Though the issue is far from settled, the smoking prohibition is back on, for those of you keeping track.
There are now more ways than ever to fork over your money to county government!
Thursday is your final opportunity to have your voice heard.
Essays and artwork for the third annual celebration is now being accepted.
Grants are available for street-related and beautification projects.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case means Washington’s seven-decade-old system is unconstitutional.
He fulfills the term of Doug Erwin, who resigned in January.
This week’s County Council agenda.
This week’s study session and regular meeting.
Steven Olswang will take over in April for the departing Vicky Carwein.
See the Puget Sound Business Journal.