Tacoma Community College is getting a new parking lot, while the Japanese Language School at the UW Tacoma will be…
Jurists take part in Paint Tacoma Beautiful for the second year in a row.
This week’s regular meeting.
This week’s study session and regular meeting.
Model unveiled at booster gathering.
Come on out and have some fun, University Place style!
The gatherings – to be held this month and next month – are free.
The FHA has issued the Record of Decision on the project.
Positions will be filled starting Aug. 4.
Shahrokh Saudagara is set to go to Orlando next week to accept the Outstanding Educator Award from American Accounting Association.
Information on this week’s County Council meeting.
This week’s study session and regular meeting information.
Fircrest: The Tacoma Narrows Rotary Club installs the weather-resistant havens.