Drivers might be a bit surprised to see a supersonic jet bomber fuselage heading up Interstate 5 overnight this weekend. The super load, a B-1 Bomber fuselage owned by Boeing, is 131 feet long, more than 29 feet wide and 15 feet high. Four to five Washington State Patrol vehicles will travel with the load, and drivers should be aware of possible delays as the load will take up all travel lanes in some spots on I-5. According to Washington State Department of Transportation officials, the bomber’s journey will start shortly after 11:30 p.m. Friday, leaving Portland International Airport on I-205 to I-5 in Vancouver and on to Nisqually Weigh Station, just north of Olympia. Traveling close to 30 miles per hour, the bomber procession is expected to arrive in the Olympia area by 6 a.m. Saturday. At 2:30 a.m. Sunday, the load will again head north on I-5 to its destination, Boeing Field, exiting I-5 at Martin Luther King Junior Way in Seattle. The bomber should be off the interstate by 6:30 a.m.