Bates approves search, timeline for new president

At their meeting April 21, the Board of Trustees of Bates Technical College approved a process and timeline to search for a new college president.
The national search will begin May 1, with the goal of the board to have a permanent president named by the fall 2004.

The board has asked interim President Lilburn Horton Jr. and Vice President of Human Resources Donna Haley to act as Board advisors throughout the process. Work will be performed by independent consultant Hockaday, Hunter & Associates, who has been hired to conduct third-party candidate recruitment, and to determine candidate assessment strategies and screening of the initial candidate pool.

In the approved search process, the board will solicit advice and input from college employees, students and business advisers as well as comments from the community at large. A search advisory committee, chaired by Theresa Pan and working with Trustee Stan Rumbaugh, will monitor the search process.

The committee will have representatives from each college bargaining group, exempt employees, the Associated Student Government, labor organizations, and community groups. Responsibilities of the search advisory committee are to oversee the candidate application process, screen applications received for the position, and recommend semifinalists to the full board for consideration.

Bates is the state’s largest technical college, serving some 5,400 full-time students in guaranteed career training programs. The college offers 44 associate of technology degrees and provides job training for nearly 350 occupational areas. The $32 million combined operating and capital budget is comprised of state, federal and grant funds.

The college employs 800 dedicated full- and part-time employees, and is governed by five trustees appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate.