City, BNSF shut down two streets for overpass for project

The City of Tacoma, and its contractor, MidMountain Contractors Inc., will shut down East “D” Street by the middle of this week between the BNSF railroad track and Puyallup Avenue. The closure of D Street will last until May 2007.

Additionally, BNSF has informed the City that it will close A Street (near Dock Street) on July 12 for two weeks so they can realign the railroad line in preparation for future tracks.

The traffic detour route while both A and D streets are shut down is as follows:

Take Pacific Avenue and turn east down 15th Street, which is the corner of the United Way and Davita buildings. Fifteenth connects to Dock Street next to Johnny’s Seafood. Take a left onto Dock Street, which connects to D Street. There are no traffic restrictions on Dock Street at this time.

Puyallup Avenue will remain open to traffic, but restrictions will occur between C and E streets for utility work by MidMountain, Qwest and Puget Sound Energy. Utility work will also continue on D Street between Puyallup Avenue and East 25th Street.

The latest updates on D Street Overpass construction and traffic revisions are available at and through the City’s D Street hotline: (253) 573-2399.