Notice is hereby given that the Tacoma City Council, at its regular City Council meeting of Tuesday, December 3, 2024, passed the following ordinances. The summary of the contents of said ordinances, consisting of the titles, is as follows: Substitute Ordinance No. 28991 An ordinance amending Chapter 6A.30 of the Municipal Code, relating to Business and Occupation Tax, by amending various sections to repeal the preferential tax rate and related deduction for International Investment Management Services, remove outdated language, and update the definition of “farmers”, effective January 1, 2025.
Ordinance No. 28993 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.06 of the Municipal Code, relating to Electric Energy – Regulations and Rates, for two rate adjustments effective April 1, 2025, and April 1, 2026.
Ordinance No. 28994 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.06 of the Municipal Code, relating to Electric Energy – Regulations and Rates, by amending Section 12.06.374, entitled “Electric Vehicle Public Charging Provided by Tacoma Power – Schedule EVPC”, by updating the tariff on electric vehicle public charging fees, effective January 1, 2025. Ordinance No. 28995 An ordinance amending Chapters 12.01 and 12.06A of the Municipal Code, relating to Utility Charges and Electrical Code, to update language regarding fees for inspection, permit, disconnection, and reconnection, effective April 1, 2025.
Ordinance No. 28996 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.06 of the Municipal Code, relating to Electric Energy – Regulations and Rates, by amending Section 12.06.373, entitled “Electrofuel service pilot – Schedule EF”, to reflect the costs of serving large new customers, effective January 1, 2025.
Ordinance No. 28998 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.09 of the Municipal Code, relating to Solid Waste, Recycling, and Hazardous Waste, to adjust rates and charges, effective January 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026.
Ordinance No. 28999 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.10 of the Municipal Code, relating to Water – Regulations and Rates, for two rate adjustments effective January 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026.
Ordinance No. 29000 An ordinance amending Chapter 12.10 of the Municipal Code, related to Water – Regulations and Rates, for water service construction charge adjustments, effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2029.
The full text of the above ordinance may be viewed online at the following website, or at the Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market Street, Room 220. You may also request an electronic copy without charge, please contact the Tacoma City Clerk’s Office at (253) 591-5505. Nicole Emery, City Clerk IDX-1006207
December 5, 2024