1. Breakthrough Change Initiative the focus of June 4 workshop
City Council members will hear the first part of a report on the City Managers Breakthrough Change Initiative during a workshop June 4 at 8 a.m. The workshop will include overviews of the opportunities and recommendations from the Employee Compensation and Benefits and the Risk Management teams two of the four teams working to find immediate and long-term savings and efficiencies in the Citys operations. The Council will hear reports from the other two teams Organizational Restructuring and Consolidation and Vehicles and Equipment during a workshop on June 11. The public may attend the workshop in Room 16, Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St., but the Council will not take public comment. CityPost (Channel 85 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast) will air the audio portion of the session live.
2. Planning Commission to hold public hearing on moratorium
The Tacoma Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the six-month emergency moratorium on Special Needs Housing June 15 at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers in the Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market St. The City Council passed the emergency moratorium on May 17, and a copy of the ordinance is available on the Online Newsroom at http://www.cityoftacoma.org/tacomanews. The Planning Commission will make its final recommendations to the City Council at the end of the public hearing, and the Council will hold a public hearing on the moratorium and the Commissions recommendations during the July 12 Council meeting.