Tacoma City Council
5 p.m., Tuesday, October 12, 2004
First Floor
Tacoma Municipal Building North
747 Market St.
Council to consider municipal code revision related to adult entertainment
Changes to the Tacomas Municipal Code to provide for licensing and regulation of adult motels and sexual encounter establishments, including modification of lighting requirements for adult entertainment venues, will be considered by City Council members Oct. 12. This portion of the municipal code was last updated in 1997.
Study session agenda includes Rail, Power budgets; City Manager search
The 2005-2006 Tacoma Rail and Power budgets are the top agenda items for a joint noon study session between the City Council and the Public Utility Board Oct. 12. An update on the progress of the City Manager search will also be on the study session agenda. The public may attend the workshop in Room 16, Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St., but the Council will not take public comment. CityPost (Channel 85 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast) will air the audio portion of the workshop live.
Tacoma Water schedules public meeting on water rates
Tacoma Water will hold a public roundtable discussion on water rates at 6 p.m. Oct. 11 in the Public Utilities Administration Building ground floor conference room, South 35th Street and Union Avenue. Tacoma Water is proposing a two-step rate increase with the first step beginning Jan. 1, 2005, and the second step beginning Jan. 2, 2006. Discussions at the roundtable will include a review of Tacoma Waters financial needs for the next two years and how much each customer group would pay under the proposed plan. The Public Utility Board and City Council will hold public hearings on the rate proposal before taking action.