Tacoma City Council
Study Session
Noon, Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Room 16
Tacoma Municipal Building North
728 St. Helens
Capital projects, police facilities
Discussion about 11 capital projects designated by the City Council as priorities will fill the first part of the study session. City staff will provide cost, timeline, funding and partnership options on major projects such as:
– The spire for the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center;
– Foss Waterway development;
– Improvements along Ruston Way; and
– Citywide infrastructure improve-ments.
Be on the lookout. By the end of 2004, citizens can expect to see police facilities cropping up around Tacoma. Police Department staff will provide the City Council with a progress report on the police headquarters, four substations and warehouse building slated to open next year. Staff will also provide details on a proposed resolution scheduled for a council vote April 15. The resolution asks the council to:
– Designate the substation sites;
– Approve agreements with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Tacoma Pierce County and the Tacoma School District for the North End substation;
– Approve agreements with Metro Parks for the South End and Northeast Tacoma substations; and
– Approve purchase and sale agreements and a donation from the Martin Luther King Housing Development Association for the central substation.
Tacoma City Council
Regular Meeting
5 p.m., Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Council Chambers
747 Market St.
Foss construction cleanup contract
The city is steadily moving all the important pieces into place to start this August on the main cleanup work on the Thea Foss Waterway Superfund site. The City Council will take testimony and vote on a $1.8 million agreement with KPFF Consulting Engineers and a $510,000 agreement with Hart Crowser, Inc., to provide construction management and design support services to the city between now and February 2004. The budgeted costs are part of the estimated $35 million cleanup of the waterway, contaminated by decades of heavy industrial activity and other forces. To pay for the cleanup, the city will use money contributed by more than 70 parties who share responsibility for contamination and chose to cash out rather than participate in the cleanup process. The city will also use surface water fees and seek grants and money from other sources. The cleanup process should take three years. To avoid harming salmon runs, the cleanup will occur each year between August and February.
Public hearing: Industrial zoning
Over the last three years the City of Tacoma has worked on updating and streamlining its zoning code. Citizens will have their say on proposed changes to industrial zoning at this weeks City Council meeting. Some of the recommendations include clarifying the language for landscaping requirements, renaming the current M-3 Heavy Industrial District to PMI (Port Maritime Industrial), combining industrial uses into two broad categories and defining outdoor storage and vehicle storage in industrial areas.