City will mark Foss Waterway cleanup

From a site of urban blight to the center of Tacoma’s revival, the Foss Waterway has undergone a transformation, and it’s time to celebrate the work of the many parties involved.

Twenty three years ago, 12 square miles of Commencement Bay were declared a Superfund site as one of the nation’s most polluted waterways. Now, after many years of hard work, the City of Tacoma is celebrating the Thea Foss Waterway cleanup efforts during a special ceremony at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 17.

The event will commence at the Thea Foss Waterway esplanade outdoor amphitheater to reflect on the past, relish the present and envision the future. U.S. Congressman, Norm Dicks will be the keynote speaker. City of Tacoma Mayor, Bill Baarsma, will also speak as well as the Environmental Protection Agency, Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 10, Ron Kreizenbeck.

In addition to the presenters, local dragon boat teams will paddle along the Foss and will conduct a ceremonial float release. Twelve glass floats, symbolizing the number of years the City has been leading the cleanup project, will be released to reclaim the waterway as part of Tacoma’s heritage.

The public is welcome to attend the outdoor portion of the event. Shortly after the remarks are made, those who played a role in the cleanup efforts will be invited into the Museum of Glass for a private stakeholder’s reception.