The Pierce County Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission voted on Tues., Aug. 9 to nominate the Old Dash Point School to the Pierce County Register of Historic Places.
The Dash Point School, located at 6546 Dash Point Blvd. NE, is an unaltered example of a three-room school design and construction from the early 1920s that does not exist elsewhere in Washington State, according to the commission. The architecture of this building is significant in its simplistic design and in its durability. Prominent Tacoma architect Stanley Shaw is credited with the school design as well as many historical Tacoma structures. The stucco and terra cotta school structure consisted of three rectangular classrooms with high ceilings and cloakrooms off one end of each room. The downstairs boiler room displays the three different heating sources that have been used over the course of the life of the building: coal, oil and natural gas. The school is still in its original location, remains an important community asset and embodies the history associated with the development of the Dash Point community, the commission noted. The school was previously listed on the Washington State Heritage Registry on Dec. 2, 1996.
The nomination has been forwarded to Pierce County Council for final consideration.