Call for Nominations for teachers, researchers, historians, culture-connectors, for the Washington State Historical Society’s annual History Awards
TACOMA, Wash – Nominations are open for the annual History Awards bestowed by the Washington State Historical Society (WSHS). These prestigious awards recognize excellence in advancing the field of history in the state of Washington through writing, teaching, historic projects, and understanding cultural diversity.
Anyone can submit a nomination. If you, your organization, or someone you know would be a deserving recipient for one of the awards described below, please submit a nomination by April 30, 2021. Details and nomination forms can be found at
“These awards offer an opportunity to recognize the very best work being done in our state to preserve, interpret, and promote Washington’s history. It is our honor to celebrate individuals and organizations whose efforts ensure that stories we might otherwise lose to time remain a vital part of our State’s legacy,” said Allison Campbell, heritage outreach manager at WSHS.
Nominations are being accepted for the following awards:
· Robert Gray Medal: First given in 1968, the Robert Gray Medal is the highest award bestowed by the Washington State Historical Society. It recognizes distinguished and long-term contributions to Pacific Northwest history through demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas: teaching, writing, research, historic preservation, and service to local historical societies.
· David Douglas Award: First given in 1979, the David Douglas Award recognizes the significant contribution of an individual or an organization through projects, exhibits, digital presentations, or programs such as apps, websites or blogs, educational products or any other vehicle that informs or expands appreciation of any field of Washington State history during the previous year. (Note: Book nominations are not permitted for this award.)
· Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching: First given in 1998, the Governor’s Award is presented to an outstanding certified teacher of Pacific Northwest history in an accredited K-12 school in Washington or to a nonprofit organization. The awards committee welcomes nominations of persons who demonstrate effective teaching by any measure of excellence, including but not limited to: the use and development and an innovative curriculum, consistent effectiveness in utilizing Pacific Northwest history in either the classroom or the community, the advancement of Pacific Northwest history as a field of academic inquiry, a lasting impact on students, the use or development of innovative technology, and the encouragement of Pacific Northwest themes in presentations for the History Day competition.
· Peace and Friendship Awards: Since 1975, two awards have presented in this category each year; one is presented to a Native American and the other to a non-Native individual. These awards recognize individuals who have advanced public understanding of the cultural diversity of the peoples of Washington State. If nominating for both Native and non-Native awards, please submit separate nomination materials for each.
The History Awards will be presented to recipients at the Historical Society’s annual meeting in September, 2021. For more information about nominations, email WSHS Heritage Outreach Manager Allison Campbell at
About The Washington State Historical Society: The Washington State Historical Society partners with our communities to explore how history connects us all. The Society’s most visible activity, the Washington State History Museum (WSHM) is located in downtown Tacoma on Pacific Avenue. The museum features interactive permanent exhibitions about Washington’s past in the Great Hall, unique rotating exhibitions highlighting the Society’s collections, and dynamic feature exhibitions. Note: The History Musuem is temporarily closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; updates about reopening will be posted on our website and social media (@historymuseum and @washingtonhistory).
– Washington State Historical Society
Ninth Circuit Extends Deadline for Entries in 2021 High School Civics Contest
SAN FRANCISCO – The 2021 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest, an essay and video competition for high school students sponsored by federal courts of the western United States, has been extended. The new deadline for entries is 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday, April 15, 2021. For more information, visit
In light of the availability of COVID-19 vaccines, some students have returned to school and/or are transitioning to return to school, while other students continue to participate in online distance learning programs.
The extended deadline may provide high school students in the western United States and Pacific Islands additional time to submit their essays while they transition back to school or continue their education by distance learning.
“What Does Our American Community Ask of Us?” is the theme of the 2021 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest. The contest focuses on important events in American history and global events that have challenged us to find a balance between inalienable rights and collective responsibilities to each other. Students are asked, “How should we as a society strike the appropriate balance within the framework of our Constitution between safeguarding our rights and fulfilling our responsibilities to each other?”
Students in grades 9-12 in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, the U.S. Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands may enter the contest and submit their essays using a mobile phone as an option. However, this option is not available for video entries due to large file sizes. Students may enter both the essay and video competitions. A student is allowed to submit one essay as an individual or one video either as an individual or part of a team of up to three students.
The contest is sponsored by PICO, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and the federal district and bankruptcy courts in the 15 judicial districts that comprise the Ninth Circuit. Contest rules and other information are available on the civics contest website.
– US Courts
Voting begins March 31, 2021 in 3rd Annual “Best Harbor in the US” Contest
Rockland, ME — US Harbors, a free online resource for boaters and coastal communities, announced that voting begins on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 for the 3rd annual “Best Harbor in the US” contest at Participation is free and open to everyone, including the over 8 million people who use US Harbors ( for their coastal and marine weather, tides charts and harbor-local boating and fishing information.
The purpose of the contest is to promote the strength and vitality of coastal communities. Past winning harbors have been those whose residents have strong communication networks and are passionate about where they live and work. These kinds of networks are vital in supporting the resilience of coastal communities as they face the impacts of climate change and other events.
Voting for this year’s Best Harbor contest is open from March 31 through May 31, 2021. Participation is limited to one vote per user. People can vote on any of the 1,400 harbors that US Harbors provides coastal weather and tides for; from Maine to Hawaii, Florida to Alaska, and the Great Lakes. The winning harbors will be announced on Friday, June 4, 2021, and the top four harbors will receive special plaques commemorating their win. Additionally, US Harbors throws a special event for the overall winner, including gifts for their community.
In past years, over 100,000 people from around the country have participated in the annual contest: they have voted online, shared photos and stories of their harbors and most importantly they have spread the word in their local communities to get others to join them. Previous Best Harbor winners have included Padanaram, Massachusetts (2019) and Depoe Bay, Oregon (2021).
For more information on US Harbors, please visit
ABOUT US HABORS: US Harbors is a media and data company in Rockland, Maine specializing in “tides, weather, & local knowledge™” for people who enjoy our coasts. The company covers 1,400 harbors across 30 states; from the Arctic Circle to the Florida Keys, from Maine to Hawaii, and in the Great Lakes. The company’s primary website,, has been helping people make good decisions about their time on and near the water since 2009. Over 8M people use the site annually, with interests in boating, fishing, paddling, swimming, and other activities on or near the water. As well as providing tide and weather data, the site has a continuously updated news feed, covering a wide variety of marine and coastal topics. US Harbors runs the annual “Best Harbor in the US” contest – a crowd-sourced online event to determine the best harbors in the country, as well as national Harbormaster Appreciation Day ( – celebrated annually on October 8th to recognize the stewards of our harbors and ports. The mission of the company is to promote the sustainability and resilience of coastal communities, both economically and environmentally.
– US Harbors