“A four-hour introduction to Feng Shui is being offered in Redondo on Saturday, April 21.From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. anyone who is interested in the ancient Chinese theory of design and placement can learn how to achieve peace, luck, wealth, happiness, good health and even love in their lives.The class is being conducted by a University Place woman named Star, who began applying the principles of Feng Shui in her life to help her with health problems.Feng Shui is the invisible art of communication, turning your life around, she said. There is energy in everything and you have to get rid of the bad energy and replace it with the good.Star said she had so much good come into her life that she decided to make Feng Shui her business. She visits homes, offices, and businesses and helps their owners recognize areas in their environment that need changes to improve them.She added that Feng Shui isn’t something you have to believe in, It just works. The way Feng Shui works has everything to do with the placement of items–from furniture to decorations–to make changes in a person’s life, she said. Everything is done to increase qi (chi)-good energy-in a person’s life.She said that in her Feng Shu practice she combines creative visualization, which works on the theory that all things are possible; that you can heal your life and change it. It’s not going to do it by itself. You’ve got to work for it. It doesn’t come easy. But you can manifest a miracle in your life if you want to.She said that although the practice of Feng Shui is easy to understand, learning to apply it can be more difficult.What makes it complicated is that every home is different, every life is different, and even every book on Feng Shui is different. I just try to uncomplicate it the best I know how.Among the things people will learn in her upcoming class is that triangles are bad to sleep in. If you have a bed where its placement forms a triangle, you won’t sleep well, she said.Cost for the Feng Shui class, which will be held at 27615 10th Ave., South, Redondo, is $125.00 if paid in advance or $150.00 cash at the door.The check or money order can be made out to Gladys Leary and mailed to P.O. Box 54107, Redondo, WA 98054.To make reservations for the class, or for a Feng Shui consultation, contact Star at 253/564-6795. “
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