Pierce County Aging and Long Term Care, a division of the Pierce County Human Services Department, is seeking input on its four-year plan to address problems experienced by older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Three meetings are scheduled for discussing the draft plan, which is entitled Making it Work at Home: Planning for an Elderly-Friendly Community. The schedule:
* Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 10 a.m., Family Investment Center, 1728 E. 44th St., Tacoma;
* Wednesday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m., Lakewood Senior Center, 4500 Lakewood Blvd. S.W., Lakewood;
* Friday, Sept. 19 at 10 a.m., Sumner City Hall, 1104 Maple St.
The draft plan includes 2004 funding for these community-based services: adult day health/day care, Alzheimer/dementia caregiver support, case management, congregate nutrition, counseling services, family caregiver support, foot care, health promotion, legal aid, senior centers, specialized transportation, and information-and-assistance.
Copies of the draft plan will be available at the meetings and can be obtained in advance by contacting Mickie Brown at pchumsvcs@co.pierce.wa.us or 253/798-7376.