Katrina evacuees receive insurance help in Washington

Hurricane Katrina evacuees needing help with insurance problems can contact Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s office for assistance. View a flier.
“Our toll-free Insurance Consumer Hotline is one of the few among all states with nationwide access,” Kreidler said, “and we’re more than ready to do whatever we can to help displaced New Orleans citizens no matter where they are right now.”

Although insurance policies for New Orleans consumers and other Katrina victims are regulated by officials in their respective states, Washington’s Insurance Consumer Hotline (1-800-562-6900) is staffed by experienced professionals who can answer questions and help locate information that displaced policyholders might need.

“We will work with displaced victims of Hurricane Katrina to ensure that they are treated fairly and in compliance with state laws,” Kreidler promised.

He reported that the hotline already has been fielding calls from Katrina victims, answering their questions, providing advice and directing them to where they can get additional help.

The Insurance Consumer Hotline, a service of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, provides a wide variety of consumer advocacy and protection services. Kreidler’s staff includes consultants, advisors, compliance professionals who can assist with questions in all lines of insurance as well as health care coverage issues, problems or advice.