Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma

Fort Nisqually Clerk’s House


Bid No. J2025-01

Invitation to Bid

The Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma will receive sealed bids for Bid No. J2025-01, Fort Nisqually Clerk’s House Replacement, at Parks Tacoma Headquarters, 4702 S 19th Street, Tacoma WA A98405 until 12:00 Noon Wednesday, March 26th. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 12:05 PM. Bids received after the appointed time set for receipt will be returned unopened.

The project includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Built in 1935, this project will demolish the existing structure and build a new Clerk’s House at Fort Nisqually. The proposed replacement is modeled on the 19th century Hudson Bay Company’s Montgomery House, the original Fort Nisqually structure that the Clerk’s House was modeled after in the 1930s. The scope of work includes demolition of the existing Clerk’s House and historically accurate reconstruction of a 2,750 sq. ft. building based on the 19th century Montgomery House. Additional site work includes site grading, drainage, stormwater, and site restoration.

Prevailing Wage Rate requirements and the Parks Tacoma Apprenticeship Training Program requirements will apply; 1,800 apprentice hours are estimated for this project.

The base bid estimate and bid alternates range is $2,010,000 – $2,015,000 . Time of completion is 275 calendar days.

An optional pre-bid site meeting will be held at Point Defiance Park – Fort Nisqually, 5519 Five Mile Drive, Tacoma, WA 98407 at 9:00 AM, Wednesday, March 12th, 2025. Bidders are encouraged to visit the site prior to the pre-bid conference.

Minority & Women Owned Enterprises (MWBE) participation will apply.

Parks Tacoma encourages an MWBE goal of eight percent (8%) on all Public Works projects estimated at $20,000.00 or more including subcontractors. The Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE) can assist regarding the process and status of certification. They can be reached at: (360) 664-9750,

Parks Tacoma is committed to strengthening opportunities and removing barriers for Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE). Per Board Resolution R32-20, Parks Tacoma is committed to hiring people throughout our organization who reflect our community. We work closely with local partners who have successful Contract Equity programs: Tacoma Public Schools, Minority Business Development Agency, City of Tacoma office of Economic and Business Development. For more information on our anti-racist commitments please visit:

Bid documents will be available 8:00 AM, Friday March 7, 2025 at ARC Tacoma (632 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402) and may also be viewed at the following plan centers:

1. Builders Exchange of Washington, Everett, WA 425-258-1303

2. Plan Center Northwest, Clackamas, OR 503-650-0148

3. DJC -Portland & Seattle 206-622-8272

4. Lower Columbia Contractors Association, Longview, WA 360-425-8820

5. Southwest Washington Contractors Association, Vancouver, WA 360-694-7922

6. Blue Book/Dodge Construction Network, Bedford, MA 877-784-9556

7. WA State Office of Minority Women’s Business Enterprise, Olympia, WA 360-664-9750

8. Washington MBDA Business Center, Tacoma, WA 253-591-5835

9. Small Business Incubator, Tacoma, WA 253-722-5800

10. Olympia Plan Center, Olympia WA 360-943-3960

Contact ARC at (253) 383-6363 or (800) 337-8103 or online at Bid No. J2025-01 Ft. Nisqually Clerk’s House Replacement Bidding Documents for bid documents and specifications, project information, and the plan holders list. Contractors will pay ARC directly for bid documents.

Please direct questions to and include J2025-01, Point Defiance Park – Fort Nisqually Clerk’s House Replacement in the subject line of the email.


March 17, 2025