My Two Cents: Too much thinking leads to column o' questions

There’s a lot going on in the world today, and that has prompted me to ponder a number of questions. Some reflect serious contemplation of the issues of the day, while others are just plain weird. Enjoy.

– Did it boggle your mind to see how eager the American press was to cover Iraqi prisoners being abused by U.S. soldiers, contrasted with how reluctant they were to show images of American businessman Nicholas Berg having his head cut off my terrorists in Iraq?

– Is anyone else glad today’s mainstream media wasn’t around to cover World War II, because they would have incessantly focused on everything that went wrong – as is often the case in war – and painted Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan as not-so-bad?

– Does anyone else think President Bush should be holding more press conferences?

– Is Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, even capable of giving a straight answer to the simplest question?

– Isn’t U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi calling President Bush an “incompetent leader” – as she did in a recent San Francisco Chronicle interview – an example of the pot calling the kettle black?

– What’s going on with the two NASA rovers on Mars?

– Isn’t it now obvious that the Atkins diet has gone too far, with the introduction of low-carb soft drinks and peanut butter?

– How come extra medium isn’t a size?

– Wasn’t it refreshing that the final episode of “Frasier” left something to the viewer’s imagination?

– Is it just me, or does the bulk of NBC’s programming schedule consist of “Dateline NBC” and “Law & Order” and its spin-offs?

– Who else has had enough of all these lame “reality” TV shows, especially ones involving poorly thought out marriage schemes and obscene amounts of plastic surgery?

– Do you think the Seattle Mariners (new slogan: “Back to sucking again!”) regret trading pitcher Randy Johnson?

– Am I the only one getting tired of a horse winning the first two legs of the Triple Crown the last several years, receiving incessant hype from the sports press, only to get beaten in the Belmont Stakes?

“My Two Cents” is a weekly column where the author – who obviously has too much free time on his hands every now and then – gets in his two cents worth in spite of the old saying that states you only get a penny for your thoughts. E-mail your thoughts to: