Notice of Intent to Forfeit-Justin R. Rogers

Notice of Intent to Forfeit-Justin R. Rogers

Document Title: Notice of Intent to Forfeit

Grantor(s): Puget Sound Title Company

Grantee: Justin R. Rogers, a single person

Legal Descr.: Parcel C, Record of Survey No. 201109145001

Parcel No.: 0417081022


Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington

Chapter 61.30.040

TO: Justin R. Rogers and Jane Doe Rogers

31124 Lebor Devore Road East

Eatonville, WA 98328

Justin R. Rogers and Jane Doe Rogers

31208 Lebor Devore Road East

Eatonville, WA 98328

Washington State Employment Security Department

1125 Washington Street E

Olympia, WA 98504-0100

All Occupants

31208 Lebor Devore Road East

Eatonville, WA 98328

You are hereby notified that the Real Estate Contract described below is in default, and you are provided the following information with respect thereto:

(a) The name, address and telephone number of the Seller and, if any, the Seller’s agent or attorney giving the notice:

Seller’s Name, Address and Telephone Number:

Puget Sound Title Company, a Washington Corporation 5350 Orchard Street West, Suite 100

University Place WA 98467


Seller’s Agent or Attorney’s Name, Address and Telephone Number:

Jason M. Whalen

Ledger Square Law, P.S.

710 Market Street

Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 327-1900

(b) Description of the Contract: Real Estate Contract dated January 22, 2019, executed by Puget Sound Title Company, a Washington Corporation, as Seller, and Justin R. Rogers, a single person, as Purchaser, which Contract or a memorandum thereof was recorded on January 25, 2019, under Pierce County Auditor’s No. 201901250346.

(c) Legal description of the property:

Parcel C of Record of Survey recorded September 14, 2011 under Recording No. 201109145001 and as corrected by Affidavit of Minor Correction of Survey recorded May 15, 2012 under Recording No. 201205150152;

TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive easement rights for ingress, egress and utilities established by Declaration of Easement recorded February 12, 2009 under Recording No. 200902120016. TOGETHER WITH a 60-foot ingress, egress and utilities easement as delineated on said Record of Survey; Situate in the County of Pierce, State of Washington. (d) Description of each default under the Contract on which the notice is based:

1. Failure to pay the following past due items, the amounts and an itemization of which are given in (g) and (h) below: 2. Other defaults: Failure to pay Real Property Taxes due for 2022 and 2023, First Half.

(e) Failure to cure all of the defaults on or before August 31, 2023, will result in the forfeiture of the Contract.

(f) The forfeiture of the Contract will result in the following:

1. the Purchaser’s right, title and interest in the property will be terminated;

2. the right, title, and interest in the property of others whose interests are subordinate to the Purchaser will be terminated;

3. the Purchaser’s rights under the Contract shall be cancelled;

4. all sums previously paid under the Contract will be kept by and shall belong to the Seller or other persons to whom paid and entitled to them; 5. all improvements made to, and unharvested crops and timber located on, the property will belong to the Seller; and 6. the Purchaser and all other persons occupying the property will be required to surrender possession of the property, improvements to the property, and unharvested crops and timber located on the property to the Seller on or after September 10, 2023, or ten (10) days after the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded.

(g) The following is a statement of payments of money in default (or, where indicated, an estimate thereof) and, for any defaults not involving the failure to pay money, the action(s) required to cure the default:

1. Monetary Delinquencies:

Item Amount

Five (6) monthly payments

@ $975.31 each: $4,876.55

(December 18, 2022 through April 18, 2023)

Late Charges of $97.53 per month x 5: $ 487.65

Total Monetary Delinquency: $5,364.20

2. Action(s) required to cure any non monetary default:

Provide evidence of payment of all real property taxes due and owing.

(h) The following is a statement of other payments, charges, fees and costs (or, where indicated, a reasonable estimate thereof) to cure the defaults:

Item Amount

1. Cost of title report (estimated) $ 693.00

2. Service/posting of Notice of Intent to Forfeit (estimated) $ 100.00

3. Copying/postage (estimated) $ 20.00

4. Attorney’s fees (estimated) $1,200.00

5. Long distance telephone charges $ n/a

6. Recording fees (estimated) $ 250.00

TOTAL: $2,263.00

The total amount necessary to cure the default is the sum of the amounts in (g)(1) and (h), which is $7,627.20, plus the amount of any payments and late charges which fall due after the date of this Notice of Intent to Forfeit and on or prior to the date the default is cured. You must cure the default prior to August 31, 2023. Monies required to cure the default may be tendered to:

Puget Sound Title Company at the following address:

5350 Orchard Street West, Suite 100

University Place W A98467

Attn: Roger Lee Johnson

(i) You have a right to contest the forfeiture or to seek an extension of time to cure the default, if the default does not involve a failure to pay money, or both, by commencing a court action by filing and serving the summons and complaint on the Seller or Seller’s agent or attorney before the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded.

NO EXTENSION OF THE TIME FOR CURE CAN BE GRANTED FOR DEFAULTS THAT ARE A FAILURE TO PAY MONEY. However, you may not be in default if you have a claim against the Seller that would release, discharge, or excuse the default. (j) You have a right to request a court to determine whether a public sale of the property should be ordered. A public sale may be ordered if the court finds that the fair market value of the property substantially exceeds the sum of the debt owed under the Contract and any other liens on the property that have priority over the Seller’s interest in the property. The excess, if any, of the highest bid at the sale over the amount owed on your Contract will be applied to the liens eliminated by the sale and the balance, if any, paid to you, the Purchaser. If you wish to request the sale, the court will require you to deposit the anticipated sale costs with the Clerk of the Court. Any action to obtain an order for public sale must be commenced by filing and serving the summons and complaint on the Seller or Seller’s Agent before the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded.

(k) The Seller is not required to give any person any other notice of default before recording the Declaration of Forfeiture, which completes the forfeiture. The Contract requires that notice(s) be given to 31124 Lebor Devore Road East, Eatonville, WA 98328. (l) Additional Information: NONE.

DATED May 11, 2023.

PUGET SOUND TITLE COMPANY, a Washington Corporation

By: /s/Jason M. Whalen

Its: Agent and Attorney


County of Pierce)

I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jason M. Whalen is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Agent and Attorney for Seller, Puget Sound Title Company, a Washington Corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.

DATED this 11 day of May, 2023.

/s/Jennifer Kobayashi

Signature of Notary Public

Jennifer Kobayashi

Name of Notary Public



My Appointment Expires


May 15, 22, 2023