NW Area Foundation launches new Web site

The Northwest Area Foundation (www.nwaf.org) has launched a new Web site designed to assist users obtain social and economic information on any of the 480 counties in the Foundation’s eight-state region.
The Regional Indicators Web site (www.indicators.nwaf.org) is accessible worldwide and enables users to look up information such as population characteristics, income and poverty statistics, employment, housing, and family household information.
In addition to providing information for online review, the interactive Web site allows users to print or download information as graphs, tables or maps.
A cooperative project with the University of Idaho, the Web site was conceived as a way to put community-level information from a variety of federal and state agencies in one convenient location.
The Northwest Area Foundation is based in Saint Paul, Minnesota and works to reduce poverty by cooperative assistance to communities throughout its eight-state region of Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
The foundation does not accept requests for grants, but works directly with communities on a wide variety of strategic initiatives.