“Pierce County Council Meeting3 p.m., Tuesday, July 27930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045TacomaAction on OrdinancesA proposed ordinance extending a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise to the City of Tacomas Public Utilities Light Division, is set for a suggested Council hearing August 24.A proposed ordinance increasing the estimated cost and expense of improvements ordered to be constructed for Utility Local Improvement District NO. 90-4 (Northwest Landing), and increasing the principal amount of bonds to be issued to $23,500,000, is set for referral to the Public Works Committee.MessagesSuperior Court Update from Bruce Cohoe, Acting Presiding Judge.ResolutionsA resolution calling for a special election September 14, for the purpose of submitting to the affected voters the determination of whether or not the City of Milton shall join and be annexed to the Pierce County Rural Library District, is set for final consideration.A resolution authorizing the County Executive to execute an interlocal agreement with the City of Tacoma and the Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma regarding Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium and Northwest Trek, sales and use tax, is set for final consideration.Other BusinessReduce Congestion Now presentation by Kemper Freeman, Jr., and Bill Eager.Commission on Children, Youth and Their Families: Call to Action for Youth in Pierce County, recommendations to the Council.There will be no County Council meeting August 17.”
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