“Pierce County Council Meeting3 p.m., November 9930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045TacomaMessagesMessages transmitting ordinances amending Assessor-Treasurer fees; amending Current Use Assessment Administrative Procedures; declaring County-owned property near the intersection of 9th Street East and 190th Avenue East in the Sumner-North Lake Tapps area to be surplus and authorizing its sale; and amending Employment Positions code to revise the definition of extra-hire positions.Proclamations, Awards, Appointments to Boards and CommissionsA resolution recognizing Sherri Bails for her commitment to the development of a South Hill park, is up for final consideration.Resolutions commending Jay Bowles and Sydney Russell as Employee Suggestion Award winners, are up for final consideration.A resolution confirming appointment of one new member to fill a vacancy on the Pierce County Noxious Weed Control Board, is up for final consideration.OrdinancesAn ordinance granting a non-exclusive restricted franchise to Enron Communications, Inc. for a telecommunications system, is up for final consideration.Ordinances granting supplemental franchise to the Town of Eatonville for water and sewer lines, and electric lines, are set for final consideration.An ordinance granting a non-exclusive restricted franchise to Worldcom Network Services, Inc. for a telecommunications system, is up for final consideration.ResolutionsA resolution authorizing an interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development, for funding assistance for development of multipurpose youth sports fields at South Hill Park, is set for final consideration.A resolution referring the preliminary draft Tacoma-Pierce County Solid Waste Management Plan to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Planning Commission, and requesting the submission of the plan to the Washington Department of Ecology; the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission; and the cities and towns of Pierce County, is set for final consideration.Other BusinessMotion to Certify Receipt of Budget Certification.”
"Pierce County News – County Council Agenda Items for Tuesday, November 9, 1999"
Tags: Assessor-Treasurer, Eatonville, Enron Communications Inc., Jay Bowles, multipurpose youth sports fields, Pierce County, Pierce County Noxious Weed Control Board, Planning Commission, Sherri Bails, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, South Hill, Sydney Russell, telecommunications system, Utilities and Transportation Commission, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington State Department, Worldcom Network Services Inc.