Pierce County News: Pierce County Council

Pierce County Council Meeting
7 p.m., Tuesday, March 5, 2002
14105 Purdy Drive NW
Gig Harbor
Message from the Executive
Transmitting the following ordinances, which were approved and signed February 25, 2002:
Ordinance No. 2001-111s, declaring certain property known as the “Fairfax Properties,” located near the Carbon River Valley of Pierce County, to be suitable for retention by Pierce County as open space resource conservancy lands; deleting said property from the roster of surplus properties of Pierce County, and the Pierce County Timber Resources Management Plan; and transferring the Fairfax Properties to the custody of the Pierce County Parks and Recreation Services Department.
Ordinance No. 2001-112, approving a land-lease agreement for the lease of real property between Pierce County as lessor, and the Nisqually Valley River Interpretive Center Foundation as lessee, for the construction, use, maintenance and operation of the Nisqually River Interpretive Center.
Proposal No. 2001-44s2, repealing the Gig Harbor Community Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 19B.10 Pierce County Code); adopting a new Chapter 19B.10 of the Pierce County Code, the Gig Harbor Peninsula Community Plan; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
For final consideration.
Proposal No. 2001-45s, amending the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the new designations and maximum lot sizes in the Gig Harbor Peninsula Community Plan as adopted in Ordinance No. 2001-44S2; amending Section 19A.30.010 of the Pierce County Code (PCC) to provide for an urban sensitive resource overlay; amending Sections 19A.30.010 I.19A.40.020 and 19A.40.050 A. PCC to increase the maximum lot size to one-half acre in the reserve-five designation; amending Section 19A.30.135 PCC to provide for a rural airport overlay; amending Section 19A.40.020 PCC to provide for a rural airport designation and a rural sensitive resource designation; amending the Open Space/Greenbelts map, Section 19A.30.170 I. PCC; amending the generalized Proposed Land Use Map, Section 19A.30.230 PCC; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
For final consideration.
Proposal No. 2001-62s, amending Chapter 19D.160 of the Pierce County Code, “Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan,” by repealing the Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan for the Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula; and setting an effective date.
For final consideration.
Proposal No. 2002-11s, amending the Pierce County Code Title 18A, the Pierce County Development Regulations – Zoning, to implement the amendments made to the Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. 2001-63s2, amending the Pierce County Zoning Atlas; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
For final consideration.