Pierce County Council
7 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Spanaway Lake High School
1305 – 168th Street East
(Council District No. 3)
Action on Ordinance
Proposal No. 2002-66, amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 2000-38, which vacated a portion of Crescent Valley Cut-Off Right-Of-Way, located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 22 North, Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Gig Harbor area, to correct a legal description.
Proposal No. 2002-67, amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 99-75, which vacated a portion of 103rd Street East in the Summit area. (A.P. Johnsons Estates), to correct a legal description.
Proposal No. 2002-68, amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 2000-3, which vacated a portion of 162nd Street South which is located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 19 North, Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Spanaway area, to correct a legal description.
Proposal No. 2002-69, establishing a weight restriction of ten tons on Kapowsin Highway, from Orting-Kapowsin Highway East to State Route 161, during the period of __________, 2002, to __________, 2002, inclusive.
Proposal No 2002-70, amending Ordinance No. 2001-86S3, as amended, by increasing the 2002 budget for the Superior Court (Breaking the Cycle program), and the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Action on Resolutions
Proposal No. R2002-67, consenting to the transfer of control of cable franchises from AT&T Broadband to AT&T Comcast Corporation.
Appointments to Boards
Proposal No. R2002-68, amending Resolution No. R2002-2s, by adding Councilmember Kevin Wimsett as a member of the Washington State Association of Counties Board of Directors.
Proposal No. R2002-69, confirming the appointment of one new member to the Pierce County Planning Commission. (John Purbaugh)
Proposal No. R2002-62, authorizing the chair of the Pierce County Council to enter into an agreement for personal services of the Pierce County Hearing Examiner and Deputy Hearing Examiners for a one-year term from July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003; and authorizing the director of Budget and Finance to disburse expenditures from the Special Projects budget.
Proposal No. R2002-63, amending the scope of work for County Council government access program, as adopted by Resolution No. R2001-122s, and approving a slate of Council Connection program topics proposed by the Rainier Communications Commission for production.
Proposal No. 2002-21s, repealing Chapter 19B.40 of the Pierce County Code, the Parkland Spanaway Community Comprehensive Plan; adopting a new chapter 19B.40 of the Pierce County Code, the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan; amending the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan, Title 19A of the Pierce County Code, to incorporate the designations and policies of the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
This is an incomplete agenda. The Index prints as much as space allows.
Pierce County News: Pierce County Council
Tags: AT&T, AT&T Comcast Corporation, Breaking the Cycle, broadband, Chair, Counties Board of Directors, County Council government, Director of Budget and Finance, Hearing Examiners, John Purbaugh, Kapowsin Highway, Kevin Wimsett, Pierce County Council, Pierce County Council Pierce County Council, Pierce County Planning Commission, Rainier Communications Commission, Solid Waste Management Fund, Spanaway Lake High School, Superior Court, TOWNSHIP, Washington State Association, WILLAMETTE