
Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Reviewed

Science Natural Supplements offers a popular Collagen Protein powder to target anti-aging benefits.

The Dutch chocolate-flavored powder helps with weight loss while also tightening loose skin and removing the appearance of wrinkles, according to Science Natural Supplements.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein today in our review.

What is Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein?

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein is a collagen protein powder made in the United States and designed to support a range of benefits.

According to Science Natural Supplements, Collagen Protein is “better than Botox, fat burners, and plastic surgery” for slowing the effects of aging. By taking Collagen Protein daily, you can help with weight loss, tighten loose skin, remove the appearance of wrinkles, and enjoy other anti-aging benefits.

Collagen protein supplements are more popular than ever, and many people take collagen protein daily to support a range of benefits.

Some take collagen protein for anti-aging effects, for example. Others take it for joint pain, recovery, and overall health and wellness.

To date, Science Natural Supplements has sold over 17,000 bottles of its Collagen Protein formula. You can buy the supplement online through Science-Naturals.com, where it’s priced at around $59 per bottle ($2.95 per serving). However, you can pay as little as $24.75 per bottle ($1.24 per serving) as part of a special 2022 promotion with a buy 2, get 2 free offer.

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Benefits

According to Science Natural Supplements, Collagen Protein can support all of the following benefits:

How Does Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Work?

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein works similar to other collagen supplements: the supplement provides you with a strong dose of collagen protein, which is the most abundant protein in the human body.

As you get older, your body’s collagen production naturally drops. You produce less and less collagen each year in your late 20s and early 30s.

This declining collagen production is linked to many visible effects of aging, including sagging skin and wrinkles. As collagen levels drop, your skin loses its valuable connective tissue, making your skin look older.

That’s why many people take a collagen supplement daily. A good collagen supplement provides your body with a strong dose of collagen to help form your connective tissue, cushion your joints, and allow you to move painlessly.

Each Science Natural Supplements formula can help you feel young again by improving collagen levels, giving you smoother skin, strong bones, and healthy cartilage. Because 90% of your body’s connective tissue consists of collagen, you can feel the effects throughout your body.

What to Expect After Taking Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein

Science Natural Supplements markets Collagen Protein to anyone wanting to experience various benefits – from anti-aging to weight loss to joint pain relief.

Here are some of the effects you may feel after taking Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein, according to the company:

Vibrant Skin: Collagen keeps your skin hydrated and fresh. The number one cause of premature wrinkles is a drop in collagen levels due to aging. You can’t totally prevent the drop in collagen levels as you get older. However, you can take a collagen supplement to replenish your collagen and help your skin become smooth, moist, and soft again.

Joint Pain Relief: A good collagen supplement can relieve joint pain. Collagen is found in your connective tissues, including your joints and cartilage. When you have healthy, normal levels of collagen, your body can fight back against inflammation to alleviate pain. Collagen also repairs cartilage, heals muscles and tendons, and assists with overall mobility and joint pain relief.

Strong Bones: Collagen is associated with bone strength. After menopause, women lose significant bone density. When you take a collagen supplement, you can slow down the loss of bone density and help your body create new bone, which could help prevent chronic pain, mobility issues, and serious injuries as you get older.

Fight Wrinkles & Sagging Skin: Collagen is a connective protein that plays a crucial role in the structure of your skin. Your body’s collagen production drops 1% every year after 20, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and other visible effects of aging. Collagen protein supplements won’t counteract all effects of aging, but they can support your skin’s natural structure to fight back against wrinkles and sagging skin.

Muscle Support: Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein contains collagen peptides, which are the building blocks of collagen protein. Your body needs these building blocks to rebuild muscle and repair tissue.

Weight Loss: You could lose weight with Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein, according to the manufacturer. The formula contains minimal filler and no artificial flavors. While other low-quality protein powders are packed with fillers or sugars, Science Natural Supplements has taken a different approach. You can use Collagen Protein to support a healthy lifestyle without the unnecessary additives. If you normally take a protein powder after a workout, for example, then Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein can help you maximize the value of that workout, lose weight, and build muscle.

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Versus Other Collagen Proteins

You can find hundreds of collagen protein supplements online today. What makes Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein unique? Why pick this supplement over competing options?

Here are some of the advantages of choosing Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein, according to the manufacturer:

Other companies choose inferior ingredients to maximize profits, using the cheapest possible sources of collagen to increase dosage without increasing manufacturing costs

Instead, Science Natural Supplements uses high-quality sources of collagen, including beef bone broth protein and bovine collagen peptides

Each Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein contains 16g of total protein per serving, which is higher than the 5g to 10g per serving in most competing collagen supplements

Many collagen supplements use bovine and chicken collagen peptides as their collagen sources, but Science Natural Supplements is one of the few to use beef bone broth protein for collagen

Because of these advantages, Science Natural Supplements markets its Collagen Protein as the best supplement available today.

How to Use Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein

Science Natural Supplements recommends taking one scoop of Collagen Protein with water daily:

Take one scoop of Collagen Protein with 8oz or 16oz of water, then drink it daily

Or, mix Collagen Protein with juice, coffee, milk, a shake, a smoothie, or any other beverage

You can take Collagen Protein at morning or night, or before or after a workout

Say goodbye to joint pain, wrinkles, and age spots while feeling youthful and energetic

Although Science Natural Supplements makes its Collagen Protein with broth, it doesn’t taste savory. You can mix it with sweeter beverages to drink the collagen protein blend daily.

Scientific Evidence for Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein

Collagen protein is backed by ample evidence showing it works as advertised to support muscle development, help with joint health, and provide other benefits throughout the body. Because collagen forms around 90% of the connective tissue in your body, taking a collagen supplement can lead to considerable effects. We’ll review some of the references cited by Science Natural Supplements online to verify the supplement works as advertised.

First, there are 28 known “types” of collagen. Most collagen in your body is type I collagen. Some collagen supplements contain multiple types of collagen (like types I and III or types I, III, IV, and V), although Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein only appears to contain type I. This is the best type of collagen to take. It’s the most associated with tissue repair, immune response, cellular communication, joint health, tissue maintenance, skin health, and other effects.

Collagen works because it’s made up of amino acids, and these amino acids form the building blocks of protein throughout your body. Specifically, collagen contains glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, and these three amino acids form the triple-helix structure that distinguishes collagen from other types of protein.

Many people take collagen supplements daily for skin benefits. One of the largest studies on collagen was published in 2021 in the International Journal of Dermatology. Researchers reviewed 19 studies involving 1,125 participants (95% of whom were female) between ages 20 and 70. After analyzing all of this evidence, researchers found conclusive evidence collagen supplementation improved skin elasticity, hydration, and wrinkles compared with placebo treatments.

Dosage is important with collagen protein supplements. Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein contains a relatively strong collagen protein, delivering around 16g of collagen per serving. In comparison, many competing collagen supplements contain 5g to 10g per serving. One study found collagen supplements appeared to be effective when taken at doses of 2.5g to 15g per serving over an 8 week period.

Science Natural Supplements also claims its Collagen Protein supplement can help with bone health and bone density. One study found people taking 5g of collagen daily increased bone density over a one year period more than people taking a placebo treatment. Researchers followed up with 31 of the women involved in this trial who had continued taking collagen daily over the next four years and continued to find a correlation between bone density and collagen supplementation. A separate study found collagen protein supplementation improved symptoms of osteoarthritis, including stiffness.

One of the most recent studies on collagen was published in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual in 2022. Researchers reviewed all major human trials on oral and topical collagen supplementation performed between 2010 and 2020. Researchers found collagen supplements improved skin moisture, elasticity, and hydration when orally administered (say, when taking a supplement like Collagen Protein). They also found collagen reduced wrinkling and roughness of skin when topically administered (when applied directly to the skin). Because of these results, collagen appears to work both inside and outside the body to support anti-aging benefits.

Overall, multiple studies have validated the use of collagen to support anti-aging benefits and other effects. By taking Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein daily, you could experience all of the benefits advertised by Science Natural Supplements online.

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Ingredients Label

Science Natural Supplements publishes full ingredient and label information for the supplement online.

The full list of ingredients includes natural beef bone broth protein, bovine collagen, cacao, and stevia extract.

Meanwhile, each scoop (22.7g scoop / 1 serving per scoop) contains 100 calories, 2g of total fat (1.5g of saturated fat), 55mg of cholesterol, 165mg of sodium, 4g of total carbs, 0g of sugar, 13g of protein, 6mg of calcium, and 66mg of potassium.


Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Pricing

Science Natural Supplements sells Collagen Protein for $59 per canister. However, you can pay as little as $24.75 per canister ($1.24 per serving) by taking advantage of a special promotional offer.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein online today:

  • 1 Canister: $59
  • 2 Canisters: $98
  • 4 Canisters (Buy 2, Get 2 Free): $99

Each canister contains 20 servings (20 scoops) of Collagen Protein, or a 20 day supply. You take one serving daily to support the advertised benefits. Each scoop consists of 22.7g of powdered formula.

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein Refund Policy

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein is backed by a 180 day moneyback guarantee. You can request a complete refund on your purchase within 180 days if you’re unsatisfied for any reason.

Contact the customer service team within 180 days of your original purchase date to initiate the refund process.

About Science Natural Supplements

Science Natural Supplements is a nutritional supplement company founded by Cody Bramlett.

Cody, a personal trainer and gym owner by trade, started Science Natural Supplements to help people lose weight, get pain free, and feel great about themselves. He was motivated to launch a supplement company after watching his dad experience significant benefits from a turmeric formula.

Today, Science Natural Supplements offers a range of supplements targeting different health and wellness goals, including Turmeric with BioPerine, Omega 3X, and 100% Pure Moringa, among others.

You can contact Science Natural Supplements via the following:

  • Email: support@sciencenaturalsupplements.com
  • Phone: (800) 305-1445

Science Natural Supplements manufactures Collagen Protein in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

Final Word

Science Natural Supplements Collagen Protein is a Dutch chocolate flavored collagen protein supplement featuring a strong dose (16g) of collagen protein per serving with minimal fillers or additives.

By taking Collagen Protein daily, you can support joint health, anti-aging effects, weight loss, and more, according to Science Natural Supplements and multiple peer-reviewed clinical trials.

To learn more about Collagen Protein or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official Science Natural Supplements website >>>



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