Sound Transit seeking applications for Citizen Oversight Panel
Sound Transit is seeking volunteers from East King, North King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties to help the agency succeed in meeting its commitments to the public. The agency has two openings on the Citizen Oversight Panel (COP) for East King County, one opening for North King County, one opening for Pierce County, and one opening for Snohomish County. Sound Transit relies on the oversight and expertise of this dedicated and independent group of volunteers and encourages citizens to apply.
The COP was created in 1997 to independently monitor Sound Transit and ensure it meets its commitments to build and operate a regional bus, light rail and commuter rail transit system. The fifteen COP members represent a variety of interests, professional expertise and experience. The COP meets twice monthly and acts as an independent oversight entity by digging into agency details, asking hard questions and reporting its findings to the Sound Transit Board of Directors.
To apply:
Submit a completed application and a resume to Dow Constantine, Sound Transit Board Chair, 401 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2826. To qualify an applicant must:
• Be a registered voter within the Sound Transit District and reside and/or work in East King County, North King County, Pierce County, or Snohomish County.
• Have experience in one or more areas related to the panel’s responsibilities: business or financial management; engineering; public facilities and services; large projects construction management; government processes; and public policy development or review.
• Be able to attend meetings twice each month during normal business hours.
On the web:
– Sound Transit